still having problems, what the hell is it, any help thanks


Active Member
hi everyone,

im 1 month and 1 week in veg.

im using a nft system with rokwool obviously, with hps 600 watt and using some dutch nutrients.

my temps are 80f, blue cheese. with fresh air intake.

now the problem i thought it was a ph fluctation, and recently been on top of it. ph use to be 6 - 7 but last few days its been 5.5 -6. i am able to fix this once a day and as its to volatile to control.

the bottom leafs are yellowing, and evetually die. i take them off and it spreads to the upper leafs. so it feels like im getting nowhere. the leafs have a papery like feel. after reading nitrogen defiency i fed them the appropriate amount. 3 days after they still look the same. they look like there 2 weeks in veg, proper slow growth.

i added quarter strentgh nutrients ages back and they reacted in a bad way. 2 days ago i gave em the same nutrients like 15 ml to 30 litres, hydro a and b veg. still no diff.

when i cheked the cf when i added nutrients and phd down, it was 8. next day it was 10 so added more water to bring cf down to 8 again, next day again it was 10 again. what im i doing wrong? is it a nutrient lockout? sorry but i dont understand cfs properly. all i knw is if it goes up it means iv put more nutrients then theyv asked for, and down the oppsite.

any help will be greatly appreciated as iv put to much money in this and all im getting back in return is stress day by day.



Well-Known Member
I would bet money that there is a nutrient mark around the top of the tub,flush the plants through for a day or so this will do them the world of good also scrub any containers and flush the cubes with waterset at 5.0/5.5.little work involved but it is up to you this is caused by excess salt and the only place that it has to go is back into the tubs get it out dude.


Active Member
I would bet money that there is a nutrient mark around the top of the tub,flush the plants through for a day or so this will do them the world of good also scrub any containers and flush the cubes with waterset at 5.0/5.5.little work involved but it is up to you this is caused by excess salt and the only place that it has to go is back into the tubs get it out dude.
hey dude,

thanks for that. yeh at the top of the water tank there is white residue build up. its the same every time i flush before the water tank starts to become empty.

why is this happening? i understand its salt build up, how do i avoid this for next time? is it anything to do with a nutrient lock?

i flushed the cubes before reading this at ph 5.0. so thats one thing done. and il def flush the container tommorow.

thanks man