Still isn't budding


Active Member
I planted this (strawberry cough strain seed) outside about 10 weeks ago in the ground. As soon as it was 6" tall, I transplanted it into some great soil (no slow release or potting soil, just regular soil). Neighbors are a bitch or I would've left it outside..I really didn't think it would grow after that but I was wrong. It is now in a 16" deep/ 14" wide bucket and since I put her in there, she has just taken off. She is about 3.5-4' tall now and pretty bushy. The only thing is, the bottom two leaves started yellowing and curling up...but just the bottom two fan leaves. I clipped them and after that, everything was fine for about a week but then the next two up started doing the same thing. I water it every three days with purified water that has sat out for at least 24 hours. I also give it a shot of miracle grow bloom every other week, in minor doses. It still hasn't started flowering yet and it doesn't show the male "balls" or pods so I'm wondering when it will start to flower and how long after that before I harvest it? Every grower that I've shown it to says it's definately female. This plant sits in my florida room and gets indirect sunlight all day. I live in Michigan so growing conditions have been great all summer. When can I expect it to start flowering and should I put it outside during the day to get direct sunlight? I know I should get a 10-20-10 fert after it flowers or is there a better one that i can add now as opposed to miracle grow. I live next to a home depot so they only cary certain fertz. Also, it's branches are still not alternating on the stem so does that tell you anything???...plz help me out fellas...and ladies



Well-Known Member
It wont flower until you put it on a 12/12 light schedual... and even then it can take up to 3 weks for it to start...


Active Member
will that happen naturally if I keep it outside or should I start covering it for 12 hours a night..what's the best way to cover it?


Well-Known Member
strawberry cough comes in late. it will do it naturally if you put it outside but it still won't start until next month. i would put it outside and then make sure it somehow gets 12 hours of darkness a night. a big cardboard box will work.


Well-Known Member
I'v been thinking of buying strawberry cough... does it really smell and or taste like strawberrys????????


Well-Known Member
ya it sounds to me jzaagman that the strain that u have is late blooming not only that it hasnt began to stretch yet so u still (imo)still have a little waiting yet before you see any sex or bud......if you are going to give it miracle grow get the 10-30-10 that will could cover it with a plastic/metal trash can, etc ..something the will hide the light...but remember to cover it and take it off at the same time every day and 7pm-7am...something like least u will be able to sex it anyway and buy that time sept 24 is the solstice 12/12 naturally then u have a head start..good luck smoke on....peace


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forums jzaagman. Flint MI area here. If your plants 4 feet tall your gonna need a big box.


Active Member
So an update for you guys...I covered her last night at 10pm...I took the cover off this morning and low and behold, there were white hairs starting to show everywhere. Since it is starting to flower ( I hope, or assume anyway) how long do I wait wait before I see the actual buds and how long after that do I harvest it? I heard you can't do it too late or it isn't as potent, but too early will stump my yeild...let me know. Thanx


Active Member
..the strawberry cough doesn't have a real distinct taste of strawberries, but it does have that smell which makes it a little nicer to smoke....either way, it is some good green and if you get your hands on a free seed like I did, you can't pass it up...I found only one seed in more than a lb of the cough and I decided then and there to become a "horticulturalist" I'm on my first grow and people have told me to start out with a reg seed but so far this beauty is becoming a beast and should yield some good dro if you guys keep givin me these pointers...Keepin it real in MI


Well-Known Member
its going to be awhile until buds start looking anything like buds... 2 or 3 weeks minimum... and like the people ^ up their said... strawberry cough takes a long time to flower to maturity... I never grew it or read about it... So I dont know... sounds like Fdd or father might have grown it before...


Active Member
One thing I noticed about the original post is that it didn't sound like he was pH-ing his water beforehand. Here in TX we have to add a bit of acid to the tapwater because it's so alkaline.