Still no sign of BUD

Iv put my plants the budding stage for just over 2 weeks and still no sign of any bud .

can any one help.:-|

and how many plants do you think are in the photo.



Well-Known Member
check for light leaks.. usuallythey start budding after21 days, looks like u have a height problem with them growing up the side of the light,
what strain? light???
i think u have 3 or BIG plants


Well-Known Member
id say 2 plants?, and mine are just over 2 weeks into flowering as well, and im just starting to see what i think is some male ball sacks on one but nothing on the other which is a good sign so hope is not lost :-)
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
maybe your plants have gone hermie.
do you have a timer for 12/12?.
aslo some strains take longer.
i grew stavia durbin poison and that strain took weeks to show.
what lights you using?.


Well-Known Member
they will still bud light still going to side of plants.. u can tie them down if u wanted
Are u sure they are no light leaks during dark period?
what strain?? did they show sex yet??


Well-Known Member
A plant needs to be in pitch black conditions during its night cycle of 12 hours.

Ie. if you have a hall light for example and light shines under the door into the room, that is a light leak and will reak havoc on your plants.

I am really suprised your plants arent showing preflowers yet, how tall are they?


Well-Known Member
make surs that when your hps light goes off.. that there is no light what so ever in your grow room!! even the smallest light can stop flowerning from happening.. so when your lights are going off next stay in your grow room and stay for 10-20 minutes so your eyes can get used to the dark and check.....

what nutes are u giving at the mo?


Well-Known Member
i would start a freash, if even 1 plant has gone hermie, it will infect all your plants, and you will end up with a load of hermie seeds, and hermies take 3 to 4 weeks longer to grow. they are shit.
have you got a timer?. for 12/12


I have a few strains that i grow and 1 of the strains does'nt bud readily. some strains just take longer to get going. the only reason i keep it is it tastes like grape when its done and my others are skunky they will bud just be patient