Still not flowering?


Well-Known Member
lots of plants are late this year. Don't really know what's up with it, but alot of my plants are just starting that usually are further into flower by now. They will flower eventually, but yes, hopefully before frost hits, end of October or November here.


Well-Known Member
End of octobersouunice. We get them by the end of september. Which is not great, not great at all.


Well-Known Member
im doing light deprevation on my plants that still arent budding, gonna give them until tomorrow mornin with no light and hope that its enought to get them going. i also am goin to cover them wit clear plastic to protect them from the rain in case they arent done before that comes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm in the same boat as you... I purchased early flowering strains and even some autos and they are just now starting to show sex and preflowering! I had 18, 4 males so far, so down to 14 that pretty much all are showing as female... problem is that its almost the September and I get frost in late September or very early October! they take about 50-65 days to flower and theres no way ill finish before strong killing frosts. I have no idea what to do! It's such a shame having all these girls that are 5-8 feet tall and knowing they won't come close to finish.

I've seen people posts similar to this one and many people respond ohh dont worry be patient they will finish, that may be true for all you lucky ones in Cali and down south, but for me and others frost is coming in about a month! Can't grow here in upstate NY much past the first week in October! And the thing is Im growing strains that should have had plenty of time to finish here... actually bred for colder climates! soo bummed

Any advice? the only thing i can think of is to slowly start to bend them down toward the ground (LST)(I think) just so that they are lower to the ground and some how build a green house out of 1/2 inch PVC and clear 6 mil plastic... I would have to bend them toward the ground because making a greenhouse 9-10 foot tall is unreasonable because it would stick out like a soar thumb where my spot is and jeopardize the security.

Any other ideas to help us out? would the greenhouse idea above be possible? negatives/positives? Any advice at all?


Active Member
damn really? one of my plants already has about'a pound on it.. and it hasn't even hit peak bloom phase yet

My first plant flowered Aug. 1st. My other 3 were lagging and not flowering.. so I gave'em some flowering nutes on Aug 15th, that way my plants would be exactly 2 weeks apart during flowering.
The day I gave my plants flowering nutes (aug 15th).. they started flowering within a matter of hours.

If your plants haven't hit flowering by aug31st I recommend doing this


Active Member
I had to keep mine in the house until June 10th.
Farmers of all types are crying because of the coldest Spring ever.
Mine started flowering a few weeks ago. (6 more weeks I hope.)
I used 15-30-15 flowering plant food when I noticed the first flowers,they really took off.
Try using higher levels of phospherous when feeding to help promote flowering.
I'm in N.W. Wa. and have similar weather as parts of Europe.
I also removed the lower fan leaves in order to feed more energy to the top's of the plant.
Leave the top 3-4 leaves to promote stalk, stem, & limb structure.


Active Member
It'll just re-veg
It takes a plant 2 weeks to a month to re-veg. and by then it'll probably be flowering anyways.

Convering them is a good idea.. but I wouldn't cover them for 24 hours, maybe like shut out a couple extra hours of light on them for a few days and use some flowering nutes if you can.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the responses... Although simply changing from veg nutes to flower nutes will not speed up flowering or induce flowering... Flowering will only begin when hormones change in the plant and this happens only because of the photoperiod, and nothing else (except on ruderalis/autoflowering plants). Indoor flowering starts when the gardener changes the lighting schedule to 12/12.... Outdoor is a little different. Outdoor plants start flowering when they sense the days getting shorter. In the Northern Hemisphere days begin to get shorter and shorter every day after the summer solstice on July 21st, also the longest day (the day with the most hours of daylight). So basically it takes plants a few weeks to sense the days are becoming shorter, so most plants will begin to flower a few weeks after July 21st, usually in early August.

That being said, I already switched my nutes over from my veg nutes (24-8-16) to my early bloom nutes (15-30-15) because the plants were showing preflowers and being so late in August I thought that they would start budding any day. That was like 2 weeks ago.

Now its August 30 and with light frosts coming at the end of September and hard frosts coming the first week of October, its not possible for my girls to finish! The breeder says it takes these strains 50-60 days on one and 55-65 on the others... I originally had 18, 4 showed as male so im left with 14... of the 14 plants, about 10 showed as female and another 4 hasnt even showed sex yet.... only 1 or 2 have started to develop buds... im totally bummed...

Im not trying to jack your thread Flabos... im just trying to find a solution that will help us both seeing that we are in the same boat with mutual problems... somebody suggested to build a greenhouse to keep the ladies alive through the cold weather and hard frosts... this is my idea... im wondering if it will work? has any body ever tried this?

There is one problem with building a greenhouse. My plants were never topped and grown naturally.. they are between 5-8 feet tall... building a greenhouse this large for 10-14 plants would be difficult and stick out something terrible and be very hard to hide. The only solution i can think of is to slowly start to bend them over, kind of like LST (low stress training). I have never had experience LSTing and im not sure if it will work with plants this large and this far along in their life... my plants arent very bushy, just very tall, they werent planted until the end of June and brought outside until July 1st. So if I slowly start to bend them to the ground i will be able to build a greenhouse around them with a PVC frame and some 6 mil thick clear plastic. The greenhouse should give me a few more weeks of growth in October and hopefully gain a little more weight... Any thoughts as to if this will work? advice? please help anybody! it sucks to have worked this hard and not be able to have these girls grow to their full potential. I dont even know if LSTing is recommended this late in their life..

I do have a few pic i snapped today of them with a camera phone... I quickly took pics just to see the quality of the phone camera and they arent too bad, ill take more informative pics tommarow with a better camera and start my own thread, again sorry Flabos, hope you dont mind me posting pics on your thread.

Im not sure if these photos will come up, first time I ever posted pics... If they do come up I dont even know exactly what i was taking them of, like i said i was just testing the camera on the phone.... but if you do see them, you will be able to see the how far they are from budding and just what im up against.

outdoor phone 1.jpgoutdoor phone 7.jpgoutdoor phone 3.jpgoutdoor phone 5.jpgoutdoor phone 2.jpg
outdoor phone 4.jpgoutdoor phone 6.jpg


Active Member
It is possible because I've successfully done it. I went from young pre-flowers to full force flowering in a day. I used Tiger Bloom and Bud Ignitor.. if I hadn't it probably would'v taken another 1-2 weeks to start flowering.


Active Member
Im in Northern California and all my plants have at least started to flower. Some, like the Cheese and the Master Kush are pretty far behind and I may have to end up covering them..but no big deal. My neighbor is running an OG cross and he just saw his first preflowers the other day. He thought I was joking when I told him he'd be harvesting around Thanksgiving lol. Well I wish you luck defending against rain and frost.


Active Member
If I have my plants in pots, will bringing the plants in at night and putting them out again in the morning work? My understanding is that its the frost that forms on the plant, not ness the low temps(to a point) that damages the i correct here? Also if I'm forced to bring them inside full time and don't have the time, space, or budget for expensive indoor equipment. How many CFLs and what wattage would work to get the ladies over the last hump?

Thanks for bringing this up flobos, i've been trying to get some input on this topics as well! + rep


Active Member
+ rep to crank, jack, and medhead, wheezer, for replying to these and other questions around the forum...


Active Member
Post some pics. How many plants do you have, how tall? Around what week of the flowering phase do you think you bring them inside?

Then it's a lil easier to say how many CFL's you need


Well-Known Member
It is possible because I've successfully done it. I went from young pre-flowers to full force flowering in a day. I used Tiger Bloom and Bud Ignitor.. if I hadn't it probably would'v taken another 1-2 weeks to start flowering.
i hate to break it to u but changing nutes will do absolutely nothing to induce flowering. try growing a plant indoors on 18 hours light and feeding it bloom nutes and i promise u it will stay in veg until u cut back the lights. it must have just been a coincidence that when u fed them they were already about to begin flowering.


Active Member
i hate to break it to u but changing nutes will do absolutely nothing to induce flowering. try growing a plant indoors on 18 hours light and feeding it bloom nutes and i promise u it will stay in veg until u cut back the lights. it must have just been a coincidence that when u fed them they were already about to begin flowering.
I had 3 different strains growing on my hill.. I watered them flowering nutrients in the morning and they were "all" flowering by night. One was 100% Indica, other half and half, and the last was 75/25% purps.
They all had very small pre-flowers too.

I had one of the same strains growing somewhere else (flowered aug1st vs. aug 15th like the other 3)and it's preflowers were alot bigger before it went into flowering. no way was it coincidence that all three flowered the exact same night.