still not ready

chronic Joe

Hey I have 4 plants outside on the 46 lat. and they still arent done their around the 7th week i think. and there papaya and big bang, I havent been getting any sun would this affect the fattening stage at the end of their cycle or does it happen on its own regardless of light.

chronic Joe

also their really close to be being full but the top on my biggest still isnt touching, it was 4 buds now its 3. I want it to be one big one any tips on how to encourage grouping of buds also.


Well-Known Member
Low light will slow down the process, when they say 9 week strain take that as a ballpark time period. But remember they usually start to fatten up in the last 2 weeks, if you see the fan leaves starting to turn yellow thats when you know they are starting to get to the end of the cycle.