Still smells like funky roots/dirty feet? HELP!?!?!? pics


Active Member
OK..i just got this ebbflow set up...its the one with the 55gallon rez and comes with the 12 bukets, i had used some bad nutrents that i think where just way to old and my rez foumed up and smelled bad....luckly i didnt have my babys in there yet. so i cleaned it and started over, this time with out the bad nutrents. this time it took alot longer to go funky but i think its on its way...kinda smells like roots/musty and it frothy on the top...and when i pull the inserts out of the buckets to look a the roots, the roots are all bubble and kinda smell odd. i am useing the genreal hydroponics feed chart....the expert recycle program. here are some pics......any advice would help alot



Active Member
the rez temp was around 65-70 dec. i am working on lowering it with frozen milk jugs. the room has 4 1000watts. the lights come on at night and the temp stays around 78-82. lots of air flow. growing 11 plants...ak48,snow white,no name,and black jack. i vegged them for about 4 weeks and just moved them to this set up about 4 days ago.


New Member
you defo need to clean the bucket for a start and if you are doing dwc you need more hole in your buckets for the roots to come through :)