Still some smell getting out of my tent, please help


Active Member
Guys, I'm using a dark room 80 (32.4 x 32.4 x 63.3), using a CAN-FAN 33 (says minimum airflow: 100cfm) and a S&P TD-100x (135cfm), but somehow there is still some smell getting out of my tent. I can tell there is negative pressure going on in my tent because the tent SUCKS IN when i close it. I've closed and sealed all the flaps (I'm a little concerned about fresh air getting in there now, so I open it for a few minutes each day. It still smells when I dont open it), but I can still smell it when I walk into my basement.

What am I doing wrong? I can't put the carbon filter inside the tent, so I am pulling all the air out of the tent (through the cool tube) and pushing it through a carbon filter. As far as I can tell, there are no leaks. When the lights are off, there is no smell being emitted out of the tent, only during day time.

Here are more specific specs of my centrifugal fan and carbon filter


Can-FAN 33

Thanks guys, I'm getting really concerned and would appreciate any help or suggestions.



Active Member
filter diagram.jpgWith the push method, I think it would be difficult to get 100% of smells. What I would try is a quarantine of air outside the tent, and then filtering that. Ona and Spray will just cover odors, filtering is the way to go for elimination. I consider ONA and deodorizers supplimentals, however some do work quite well.


Well-Known Member
your fans are low power 4inch
to control smell the faster you can move all the air from 1 space to another the better

once you add up the ducting and filter on your 4 inch fan its not going to be pulling much air out,
not creating the strong pressure to force the air to only come into the tent and not leak out
a more powerful fan aslong as you have a carbon filter that can cope with the fan would help alot

you need to get the fan sucking through the filter first in your setup, to give the air longer time in the filter
as someone already said it will not remove the smell as efficiently if the air is not in contact with the filter long enough

i have tried alot of things to remove smell ozone works the best i found after a carbon filter
ozone works well but it needs to be running all the time
ionizers seem to work for short periods really well, like when you first buy them then you get used to them and they do little to nothing to remove the smell ..

ona is no better than household gel air fresheners imo like neutradol
products that just mask the smell are of little use in the grow area, but they do help alot imo if you put them
in strategic places around you home, like near the front door n backdoor of your house and windows etc, any place where visitors might come near your house, i use auto spray and plugins for this kinda thing

keep the temps as low as possible, heat helps create the smell in the first place
hope that helps
peace :)


Well-Known Member
You're growing weed dude.....there is no way to stop the smell totally, I dont care what people claim or try to sell you. What are you going to do when you harvest and have strings of wet nugs drying for a week? You'll smell that outside for a hundred yards, I promise.


Yeah I don't think it's possible to 100% eliminate the smell when growing.. I am also getting a tent soon, I was wondering if I was to dry in the tent also would this possible without stinking out my whole house? I havnt had a harvest yet but i assume the smell of drying would b the strongest odor of all stages.. Is the gel+carbon filter enough to mask the smell so my uncle won't think I'm growing? He doesn't mind me smoking but not sure bout growing for myself.. Don't mean to jack your thread, I can make my own if that's better?



Well-Known Member
i use 2 fans with my tent ... one for the cool tube and one for the filter ... works well and i dont need sprays or gels


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't think it's possible to 100% eliminate the smell when growing.. I am also getting a tent soon, I was wondering if I was to dry in the tent also would this possible without stinking out my whole house? I havnt had a harvest yet but i assume the smell of drying would b the strongest odor of all stages.. Is the gel+carbon filter enough to mask the smell so my uncle won't think I'm growing? He doesn't mind me smoking but not sure bout growing for myself.. Don't mean to jack your thread, I can make my own if that's better?

Yes, odor CAN be completely eliminated from a properly set up grow. The only time you should have probolems with smell are when actually harvesting. Dry it in a room or tent with carbon filtration(properly set up) and it will not smell any more than the grow did.


Active Member
Yes, odor CAN be completely eliminated from a properly set up grow. The only time you should have probolems with smell are when actually harvesting. Dry it in a room or tent with carbon filtration(properly set up) and it will not smell any more than the grow did.
Yeah I know, can't you just dry them in your tent with the carbon filtration system still active and it will be odorless?