still waiting for the electric bill. am i in for a surprice?


Well-Known Member
so, round here we pay our electric bills every 3 months, and i just payed one recently.
now, i began growing (obviously) and now i got about 200 W + that runs at the least for 12 hours to add to my bill for the past month or two.

so, my question is = am i gon faint when i see the new bill? it aint gon be twice as much right?
its wintertime now so its allready expensive as shit.
please give me some good news

newb weed grower

Active Member
uh shouldnt be doubled but yah ull see a little bump in ur bill
adviously it wont stay the same
u can buy a meter to tell u how much electricity ur using and itll tally up ur bill
it hooks up just like ur light timer would
umm i think ull be okie tho


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry too much. I run a 600W light and my bill only went up abouit $20 a month.


Active Member
Yeh running 200W 12/12 depending where you from should only increase your bill ~$10 a month.

When i ran a 400Watt HPS my bill jumped like $15 per month on 12/12 so its not really that expensive. if you want to save money on electricity, unplug kitchen appliances, and other large appliances when they are not needed (like TV, Computer) because they continue to suck energy even while they're not in use.


Active Member
over the three months you will have used about 216 kWh. so take that 216 times whatever your kWh cost. Kwh is usually 14 cents or so. 216 X .14= $30.24 for the 3 months. Or about $10 a month


Well-Known Member
i am running
1x600w hps 12/12
120w of fans 24/0
200w ECO CFL 24/0

and im paying almost double


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Depends on what you pay per kwh.

I pay about $0.10 per kwh.
200w system, plus fan, probably 350w total. (I didn't know they made 200w systems... I thought it was 150w or 250w).

0.35kw x 12 hours x 30 days/month x 3 months/bill x $0.10/kwh = $37.80 bill

I would expect about $40 on my 3 month bill, or about $13 per month extra. Not much to worry about really.

Now... When I lived in CA I paid more like $0.23 per kwh. In Europe I know that energy is outrageously expensive as well. If you're in either of these places I suggest you take a look at your bill and figure out what you're paying per kwh. The same system at my old house in California would have cost as much as $30 per month above my regular bill, for a $90 increase on a 3 month schedule.

It's easy to figure out, you went to school and know how to multiply and divide I'm assuming... You can figure it all out before the bill arrives for no surprise and all you gotta know how to do is push buttons on a 10-key.


damn,so it barely scratches the numbers ? that's good man. now i can sleep at night again haha
hej hej :) don't get too relaxed, i grew with a 200W CFL + 20W Fan for 3 months and it added 150 Kr to the bill. It was quite noticeable (3 months: +450Kr) *approximately*


Well-Known Member
Couple month old thread here, but I'm interested to see what the turn out was. I guess it depends on where you live. Snow crash pays .10 cents per Kilo Watt Hour where he/she's from. I pay .078 cents per kilo watt hour here. I run a 1000w MH 18/6, 2 fans 472CFM and 382 CFM. 2 6500k 23w lights for seeds and have yet to get my first bill on all this. I figured prolly around 35-40 bucks increase, but wanna see whats up. It will go down next month since the seedlings wont be running and the light and one fan will be cut to 12/12. But we'll see what happens