Still water cloning


Well-Known Member
I clone with cheap Promix and well water and have not lost a clone in the last 2 years (80 some). The latest, 12 for 12, are all rooted and waiting for transplant in a week.

This go-around I also dropped a couple straight into a jar of water. 21 days later, both finally popped roots. The peat ones all popped < 13 days.

Didn't do anything with the water babies but slice at an angle and slight scraping. Changed water twice in the 3 weeks. Just wonder if there is a way to speed it up. ????


bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
13 days fully rooted . this is about the best you can do . i my hydro i about 10 days they are ready . you can throw a air stone in the water it may speed it up . this is it i know of .


Well-Known Member
13 days fully rooted . this is about the best you can do . i my hydro i about 10 days they are ready . you can throw a air stone in the water it may speed it up . this is it i know of .
Thanks. Over and above adding O2 to the water, any water amendment/temp or stem prep suggestions?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I have learned that @ 63f the water is the most oxygenated . and adding a stone maximum o2 to form roots . no I prefer my hydro cloner sprays water to the roots in a mist with a lot of o2 and dwc your system water is just chilling . but In a top of the line dwc there is just a good stone . I hate dwc I get root rot I cant get the water cold enough in my hydro I can push it to 70 and be ok so much water being moved . if your getting roots in 13 days your doing great there are a lot of people not getting roots at all . trust me 13 days is very fast compared to a lot of people I have seen 4 weeks ! from friends .


Well-Known Member
Roots in 13 days? I get nubs at day 3, roots at day 8, day 10 I'm potting or earlier. Aero cloner. 100% Success rate for last 200 clones or so. Dip n grow is the f n BOMB!!!!!! Cut 4 days from my time table.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that it seems as though some strains adapt better to certain methods of cloning. For example, I had been trying with like 13 cuts of GG#4 in rapid rooters along side with 4 cuts Kosher Kush under the same dome,tray,light etc. The kosher kush had fuzzy white roots exploding out of it by day 5, and the GG#4 just would not root. They wouldn't die, but they wouldn't root (I let them stay in there for 3 wks). I had everyone telling me that their GG was the easiest they've had to clone so I couldn't figure out what the deal was. I took cuts from the same GG#4 momma and put them in a diy bubble cloner and had nubs in like 4-5 days, and roots ready to transplant to a hydro setup in less than 2 wks. Only straight ph'd water was used in both the bubble cloner and the dome cuts.


Well-Known Member
Gg4 likes colder temps in an aero cloner. Took me months to figure that out. Now I keep my cloners on the cold basement concrete floor. 81* ambient air temp, 76* water temp


Well-Known Member
Roots in 13 days? I get nubs at day 3, roots at day 8, day 10 I'm potting or earlier. Aero cloner. 100% Success rate for last 200 clones or so. Dip n grow is the f n BOMB!!!!!! Cut 4 days from my time table.
Great! Yeah, also being 100% for the last couple years I am not compelled to buy or build something to replace my current. Just hoped that the "still water" method could be made to come close to equaling the peat method popping times.
13 days was the longest this go around in the peat for a root to show on the side of the cup which generally means it is pushing 3". . Most were showing a root to the bottom of the cup in less than that.


Well-Known Member
I get huge root balls by day 10, larger than a golf ball mass. Any longer, and it's a waste of time and money.


Well-Known Member
I get huge root balls by day 10, larger than a golf ball mass. Any longer, and it's a waste of time and money.
I would like to witness that. I do not sell and produce more than I need so time and money are not the same level issue.
Again, the hope here was to improve my backup method. So far I've gathered... Lower temps, improve water O2.
Is stem prep different in water cloning?


Well-Known Member
BTW, 1x 11.00 pkg of dip n grow can do up to 1000 clones. I have no idea what makes this stuff so damn good, but it kills it for all my 11 strains.