Stinkbudd1's 594 watt Cheeseberry Haze and Blue Diesel Soil Grow!


Well-Known Member
I hope you all are enjoying the music i'll be back later tonight to give you a look into the world of Cheeseberry Haze and Blue Diesel coming up on 28 days since sprout..


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
So to all here are the babies i will be flipping to 12/12 this sunday for all the reasons i stated earlier mainly because of the hieght restrictions i have and the reports ive been getting from just about all the growers of sannies strains about the stretch....At the time they are almost 8 inch's so i hope by sunday at teh rate they are growing they will be at least 9 or ten..



Well-Known Member
Here is the last of the PK hermie babies that i ran...the runt of the bunch dont know why she just didnt want to get any taller but here she is all 7 1/2 incjhes of her ok maybe 8" lol





Well-Known Member
Ok, you gotta have some classy Steely Dan in your collection. How bout this one?


Well-Known Member
Oh how it still sounds so good! SD was one of my dads all time favorites and since he passed away a few years back my mom has taken to a lot of his music and i gave my best of SD to her i have to get one back soon!


Well-Known Member
Wow SB nice story. Let your mom keep em, there's tonnes of it available online and stuff these days for anytime you need a fix. And the reason they still sound so great is because they always put in the hard work in the beginning and maintain what they build, and I think after a while it's just second nature, even when it's so complicated. That's what makes them such great icons. Some people give them a bad wrap for their attitude towards the industry, particularly the Hall of Fame, but I agree with them and don't think their stuck up at all. They are simply one of the hardest working bands, and I don't mean touring, I mean song, that exists. IMO


Well-Known Member
So I got thinking, I really enjoy sharing music with people who appreciate music, as you can tell, but mostly I like sharing things that someone may never have heard before and ending up turning them on to it. So, with this little format you've got rolling here I was wondering how I can contribute something that may be old and classic, yet new to someone else, and I thought I'd showcase Canadian talent. Born and raised in Toronto, but not there now if someone's thinking of looking for me there.:p, I'd like to start with a home town boy, one of Canada's guitar legends, Pat Travers. I must boast that I had the opportunity to see these guys in a bar that I tended, and party with them all after the show. One of the frickin loudest shows I've ever been too and what a memorable night for me.

Here's two.

First one is the radio hit.

This ones more of a B side and one of my favorites.


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm sorry man, don't mean to hijack your thread but hell with the Canadian stuff for a sec. It's Saturday night and we can't forget our friends over the pond.


Well-Known Member
Dont you worry you just keep on doing what you do!!my babies love it see how happy they are..I definately have two different phenos with the CBH i have two that are showing fat leaves and stockiness the other three are taller with longer thin leaves..As for the Blue diesel i dont see much difference in there growth patterns yet they all are indica dom it seems so far...anyway you be the judge!!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
I just had to show the growth these babies have over the last 2 days just since last i know they are going to have a nice stretch when i flipp so flip will be soon...:clap:



Well-Known Member
Hey budd, they're looking great man. It's gonna get crowded in there. :)

By the way, my CBH are really started to get their perfume on and it's awesome. Need to spend a little more time with them to describe it right.


Well-Known Member
yes my brotha im glad you said that about the smell and them starting to finally get it going because i was starting to wonder..Since these are supose to be two of the smellier strains with the diesel and the cheese accompanying each one.. once i flip the time i hope it shows up then..


Well-Known Member
interesting strains man, but, quick question....if im in the crypts do we have to have a internet showdown at high noon or somthing? j/c


Well-Known Member
interesting strains man, but, quick question....if im in the crypts do we have to have a internet showdown at high noon or somthing? j/c
Lol, what the hell is the "Crypts" lmao i know what Crip's are and by no means would that be an issue i'm 46 years young and that life and all the trouble and time away that life caused me is long behind me brotha..I get along with everyone that has brains enough to see it and for those that dont i stear clear..So welcome to my thread and lets grow some real shit....Peace


Well-Known Member
Lol, what the hell is the "Crypts" lmao i know what Crip's are and by no means would that be an issue i'm 46 years young and that life and all the trouble and time away that life caused me is long behind me brotha..I get along with everyone that has brains enough to see it and for those that dont i stear clear..So welcome to my thread and lets grow some real shit....Peace
I will never wish that anything was any different in my past nor that I could change it. I would loose who I am. By the way, something tells me that if we were to be seen together, most people might see us as an odd couple, and I've never met you, and I my friend would never thing anyone was too odd for me, but anyway we sure seem to get along here.

Budd, when I can get those girls alone by themselves for a little one on one action I'll try to nail down what I'm smelling for ya. Oh man, there goes the visual leading to the subliminal and right to my bong!