Stinkbudd1's~Royal Haze~ Cali Hash~Green Poison 3 Gallon 400Watt (Long Veg) Yield Try


Well-Known Member
Whats uo BJ been a minute so i'll have to check out what you have going in the veg room, thanks for the compliment on the ladies i cant wait to get them out of the way for the girls i have vegging now......
Hell ya man i've been busy in the room! actually switched to 12/12 the other day.. Just put the hps in there 2day.. I've got a couple pics to put up in a few! Yea always nice when you have a good cycle going.. Thats what i'm shooting for.. Is a cycle every 3 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
Just a lil update from the land of budds, i watered the girls real good yesterday, flushing the SDG xPk and simple watering of the rest after a good shot of nutes three days ago. I'll be gone for a few days or at least till sunday night so i hope all goes well until i get is the run down The SDG x PK is now 60 days since the 12/12 flip 55 days since sex.The Royal haze is 48 days since sex showed. the other two have been 12/12 since the start and are ruffly around 45 days total..Will posty pic's soon as i get to the spot..Peace all and have a good weekend for those that are not getting rained on in sunny


Well-Known Member
i have that problem, cant wait to get my next ones on the go :) great stuff though mate :)
Whats up Las yeah i know you know whats up seems we never have enough on our plate at one time do we? I have seen some real nice grows with the Blue dIesel over on grass city so im kind of stoked about the next outcome..

Looking good man! Got some Royal Haze going too and can't wait.
Hey CC glad you could drop in and see the grow nice to have you i was really hyped for the rotal haze and then i think i over topped it about 6 times and vegged to long as well now its kind of lanky and i dont like tall plants that dont fill in the colas like indicas do but over all it is a great plant if you just let it do its own growing and leave it alone...really nice sweet smell totally different then any i have grown must be the haze..i'll be checking you out shortly..Peace


Well-Known Member
just wanted to let you all know i chopped the sdg x pk hermie seed at 62 days i needed the room with so much going on, it's been drying for two days and i should get about a half ounce off it when done budds are very solid and tight and heavy so we will see...:shock:




Well-Known Member
the royal haze and the the hermie seed Strawberryblue x pk ...

Right on brotha, what kind of nutrients you using again? Ive found i keep giving less and less nutrients every grow. I let the soil do the work and begin feeding after i flip the lights....ill give myco molasses and seaweed extract in veg tho. not much npk tho.

that plant got purple pheno?

btw, nice horsey!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
"neigh bro, neigh" hahaha sorry i'm lean and the plants and harvest looks wicked but i'm laughing out loud on my own at the horsey comment ;)