stinky stinky


Active Member
I am a complete nube with with this so please bare with me a little. any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was just curious to see if my plants should be smelling so damn good and strong at such a young age. There not even a month old yet, but they are about 8 inches tall or so. I'm using 4 4' t-5 6500k for lighting, luke warm water about every other day with very minimal nutes (basic miracle grow mix in box diluted about 1/4 of what it recomends and they are on a 20-4 light schedule. there are twelve of them in a 3x4 closet with two 10" fans going 24-7, one on the top shelf blowing any warmer air out and one on the floor oscillating directly on them. I have no idea what kind they are but I will be posting pics soon.

Any advice or help to dealing with the smell would be great, if indeed they are to be intoxicatingly seductive with there oh so sweet aroma at such a young age.

Thank u for any input :weed:


Well-Known Member
i love ona gel, it makes your grow room smell a little like a urinal but it works wonders, i have been using it religiously untill i can afford an ozone generator. it has covered up the smell of my jack plants no problem, as long as you are in a room under 10' x 10' and dont have like 20 plants you should be fine with it


Active Member
thanks for the ideas guys, does anyone know a good and reasonably priced carbon filters. I dont really like the idea of my room smelling like a urinal, so that would be a last resort lol.

If anyone else has any other suggestions for anything that my improve any aspect of how i'm approaching things I more than welcome your comments and ideas.

thanks guys/gals


Well-Known Member
you wont get the best yeild but if you use 3600k or lower bulbs for flowering you should be fine, you will get some good bud for yourself maybe like 1/4 to 1/2 oz per plant

just make sure not to veg more than 3 weeks

or they will get too tall and you will need more cfls to get more light to the sides

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
ive got a couple of 'cheese' in my mini SOG , about 4 weeks into flower , and holy shit ive never smelt anything like it , its causig me major paranoia , i live in a block of 4 flats so stealth is my problem .
im seriousley considering chucking them out , seriousley ive grown for quite a while and have done other stinky strains , but nothing compares to this cheese , i dont know what to do i really dont want to kill those ladies but they are putting me at risk , i just wish it was summmer so i could go plant them outside somewhere .


Active Member
woohoo and holy shit my baby's are growing up so freaking beautifully and I want to send a huge thanks out to everyone who had some info to share and I guess really that means everyone who ever posted on this site, again thank you.:leaf:

I ended up cutting back on the water a little and improved the lighting and wrapped the walls with mylar and away they went. from 4" to almost 12" in a week.

today makes them 30 days old and happy birthday to them. I also started them on the 12/12 today so that they wont get to damn big lol. about how long on average till they will be sexable. thanks guys and any comments on the pics would be great especially if you notice anything wrong or whatever. :weed:

oh and to explain the pics the little ones (plants) are pics at 2 weeks old and the larger ones are 1 month and i tried to get th related ones next to each other for a better comparison. My fav is "Fat Leaf Fred" you'll know him when you see him lol, damn that was a bad choice of words i mean her lol.



Well-Known Member
preflowers should start showing in 2 to 4 weeks when the plant hits maturity

mine usually show between week 6 and 8
at an 18/6 light cycle under a 4 bulb 2' t5