just wet it and plants it. or vise versa. mixing its going to make no difference.Do you think it would be bad if before I planted a bag seed to stir the soil in the med size plastic pot to get it wet so when I plant the seed it can germinate in the dirt. Good idea or not.the weather is perfect for germinating cool and wet outside
ok well by mixing the soil you ADDED oxygen which is good but im guessing this is soil you added to a pot not just soil that was in something that had been sitting around awhile? point it if you just filled the pot their already plenty of oxygen from when you poured it in. wont make a noticable difference but the light will.Well I did some reasearching and I read something about the roots need oxegen do you think when I mixed it I removed oxegen from the soil but do you think it would be a good idea to use the aero garden light just to warm them up