stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump


Well-Known Member
The fucking wisdom of some americans..

Remember when a sheet of 1/4" steel was $88.79?
I need a wood stove to stave off the high price of staying warm during the winter so I stopped off at the local metal supplier, I was quoted $408.27, Per sheet. (long silence while the shock set in)

WTF! I proclaimed, the cashier stated the price has almost doubled in just the last year due to tariffs.
At which point I said "fuckin administration" shook my head turned around to head out the door.

"It's not the Administration fault", He defended in a desperate tone, "the tariffs were suppose force China to lower their price but instead Manufacturers increased their price here."

I repeated,"'fuckin Administration" and walked out.

Billionaires who built their fortune on Soviet-era steel giants have spent nearly $9 billion in the last few years acquiring U.S. mills to expand their global presence. At today’s knockdown prices, investors believe it’s a gamble worth taking.


google 'wood stove cheap near me'; also LetGo and OfferUp apps..sometimes you have to take a stand and pivot +rep:clap:


Well-Known Member
The Dow's tanking again today..not that trump as anything to do with..nice that i had the opportunity to cash in my 401(k) while the going was good months ago.
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Well-Known Member
be prepared for the january tank when congress shifts on the 3rd.

if you need to secure anything and throw into cash/bonds to be safe side or at the very least have your sell orders in place, now is the time.

schuylaar is a vessel for the message..don't be foolish..handwriting IS on the wall.

you'll be glad you did.

that was quick..just in:
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