Stoked As Fuck, Got A Job


Well-Known Member
Finally got a new job, after a brief stint of unemployment!
Was unemployed for like two months after I got fired over some bullshit at my last job... I was a store manager and got into a fight with one of my employees... turns out daddy was the boss and I got canned... anyway thats a different story on its own...

Now I'm the night supervisor at a local brewery/pub... They brew a few types of beer right at the restaurant, and its a huge and fancy pub.

Just wanted to share my enjoyment, cuz I'm super happy... I needed this bad!

Now I get all the beer I could possibly want :-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words folks, my girlfriend and I are super happy.... Being unemployed for two months and only running on one salary..... needless to say we drained our savings account just staying alive... Tough paying all the bills, rent, food, car insurance, gas, plus I have 3 cats and a dog.... I fucking LOVE my girlfriend for not kicking my ass out on the street while I was unemployed... She kept me alive through it all... Buying me weed, fuck even paying for the internet I've been using for the last two months..

Thats how you know your woman loves you!! even unemployed making no money, she's still happy to come home and see you and says she loves you right away.. fkn love my girlfriend


Well-Known Member
Ok just a now have let ppl know you have money.........they will be comeing out of the woodworks..........becareful who you talk to...........OOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRR this may be you.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Congrats! With this messed up economy, it sounds like you hooked a good one. Now don't get drunk on the job and screw it up! I might have that problem :)