Stolen BUD


Well-Known Member
you gave them an ouce to back off???? man i cant even afford an 8th. id probably give you a bj for an ounce. (not gay j.k)
half an ounce. And if you are growing ounces+, sparing a half so you can harvest the rest isn't too bad a deal


Active Member
only my closest friends know about my setup.
the only person thats been back there with me not knowing it or expecting would be a fedex guy.

the box was not open but the sliding glass door was. that was my mistake, it was a hot day and i was already experiencing a bit of heat stress so i wanted to try to cool off my area.

they went in there between 1am-2:30am last night, i know this because i was in there before and after them. got on my property, traveled 30-40 feet all the eay to my backyard, entered my backhouse, and went straight to the box, opened it up (my dumbass forgetting to lock it since i was gonna go back in for some laundry anyways) ripped my plants to shreds and took off.

i walk in and see the box fully opened, (which it never is at night, since its flowering) all i see is 2 barren sticks left in my pots. few buds still left on each plant but im guessing they were in the dark ripping the branches off.

today was a security day, everything is fully locked up, alarms, motion detection lights, the works.
the next time anyone even attemps to come on my property to steal anything of mine they will experience multiple gunshot wounds and perhaps some broken legs first.


Well-Known Member
only my closest friends know about my setup.
the only person thats been back there with me not knowing it or expecting would be a fedex guy.

the box was not open but the sliding glass door was. that was my mistake, it was a hot day and i was already experiencing a bit of heat stress so i wanted to try to cool off my area.

they went in there between 1am-2:30am last night, i know this because i was in there before and after them. got on my property, traveled 30-40 feet all the eay to my backyard, entered my backhouse, and went straight to the box, opened it up (my dumbass forgetting to lock it since i was gonna go back in for some laundry anyways) ripped my plants to shreds and took off.

i walk in and see the box fully opened, (which it never is at night, since its flowering) all i see is 2 barren sticks left in my pots. few buds still left on each plant but im guessing they were in the dark ripping the branches off.

today was a security day, everything is fully locked up, alarms, motion detection lights, the works.
the next time anyone even attemps to come on my property to steal anything of mine they will experience multiple gunshot wounds and perhaps some broken legs first.
Hell yeh! thats the way to do it, get a gun fire shots (into the air or at them which ever you decide :P ) and they wud be fuking stupid to show there faces again any where near your crib.


Well-Known Member
wasy solutions put a trip wire thats sets off a fog horn, i was gonna say use a claymore but that might attract attention................

King Skinz

Active Member
And folks this is an example of telling everyone in your neighborhood your growing ganja!

Lol na seriously man that sucks but next time keep it on a low! :eyesmoke:

- Skinz