Stollen Plant


Active Member
I've been grooming my LST grow for the last three months. Up until this point its been a wholesome experience for me and my plant has grown into a fine beauty. A real joy and pride in my life.

I put her into bloom about 3 weeks ago and she had a really nice growth spurt during that time. Full branches with lots of bud sites. A NL number 5 to be proud of.

I live at the end of a long drive and my plant has been residing on my back portch second balcony facing the jungle. My home is plastered in on three sides by heavy vegetation and there is very little strangers coming around usually. Normally a safe place to grow outside I would think.

I came home today to find about half of my plant was violently torn by some perpetrator - removing all of her best branches. All of my best buds stolen by a very evil fellow (most likely not a chick). Must have been a monkey mofo too because my balcony is very hard to climb up to.

Thats three months of hard work stolen from me. And I had about 8 weeks left to bloom her to maturation.

I'm at my lowest point right now. My joy has been decapitated.

Anyone got stories about their stolen plants. I need moral support right now. Lifes been low but now its really low. My heart is broken.

After this experience I don't think I'm going to be able to continue to grow in sunlight at the convenience of my back porch. The Perp will most likely be back for more. I sincerely thought this would be a safe grow site. But now I know the evil people lurk anywhere you go.

Please say a prayer to the MJ god for me for power during this time of loss.


Well-Known Member
i had my first plant from seed i ever grew stolen! along with 17 other plants. whoever stole them left us tha 2 smallest plants we had. that was sooo fucked up. aha and my first successful clone was taken. i didnt even get to take a picture of my clone but heres tha one from seed.


:cuss: These types of things make me so angry and sad,

Try a strong dog, and locking plants indoors under cfls when u leave.

Leave the dog outdoors around ur plants to guard,
and inside the room with ur plants when u leave.

Or invest in indoor lighting or jungle grow lol.

Sorry man good luck


Active Member

I just wanted to let you know that is a plant to be proud of, great picture, just looking at it reminds me to take another toke.

I've attached some photos as a brief history of my plant that got robbed.

The story goes: I tended her like a baby for 4 months. I got robbed, then I installed security measures, then I got robbed again a week later. I lost 95% of the plant. It turns out, that where I live you can sell a leafy joint to the Japanese tourists for about 200 dollars. My buddy said that my stuff was pretty sweet looking even at 3 weeks. So I'm guessing someone else found it worth stealing. My heart will always be broken from this event. I'll never be the same again.

After the second thieving I had to harvest what was left. Just a few measly premature branches. The batteries are out on my scale, anyone take a guess at the weight of what was left?



Active Member
Just in case your wondering. These security measures didn't work for sht. The next morning I found the perpetrator had used a pair of razor sharp chopsticks to prune the bush through the chkn wire. The plant was carefully pruned only to leave the lightest branches. And none of the chicken wire was broken, and there were zero leaves or shreds to show any form of plant violence. Not to mention it was flat dark and he had to climb up about 14 feet to get it. Where I'm from it is common place for someone to get shot for stealing weed and its a little less common to get shot for your weed.

Left: plant a few hours before the last robbery.
Right: My glory shot.



Active Member
. My buddy said that my stuff was pretty sweet looking even at 3 weeks.

Pipe dream, just to clarify. The "buddy" is a professional grower and usually my supplier. He helped me troubleshoot my operation at several points and saved my plant at one point. And I was looking forward to gifting him half the batch just for friendships sake. So I doubt he stole it because he's got toke twice as good as mine sitting at his house.


Active Member
Man that sucks someone took your plant but what goes around comes around, so I hope they get busted and raped in prison


Dude, you think that legalizing will make people less inclined to steal your pot? Personally, I don't. What I would do is replant in the same spot, mount a sort of an alarm system that is triggered by movement near the plant and always be prepared with a baseball bat nearby, just in case. :) Of course, this means no more leaving the house for one or two days at a time before harvest. Get yourself under house arrest, man. :) I'm sorry I don't have a "stolen plant" story to share with you because I grow indoors, but I did have a whole crop ruined by mold once, does that count?


Active Member
Yup, I just moved to an indoor operation. Whoever stole my stuff has a pretty good adventure story to tell, because that plant was a pretty good smoke even at 3 wks bloom.