Stoned Slacklining


Well-Known Member
Started slacklining in January. Literally could not stay on a 15 footer the first day for more than 2 seconds, sober. Even harder stoned.

Fast forward a few months and I can now Johnny Cash on my 56 footer most of the time. A lot harder when stoned, but more fun I think. Whether stoned or sober I find it very meditative without the boredom of meditation. I was surprised at how easily my body developed muscle memory and improved just by doing 5 minutes a day.

I still can't do any tricks, can't turn around very well, can't do a sit stand, etc. But really enjoy the feeling of movement on the line and very interested in long-lining and high-lining as longer term goals. I've tried to work a 85' line but still get tossed off at that length easily. Not sure I can get my 2" line tensioned enough at this length, huge deflection and large swings. High-lining will have to wait until I can do a sitting start. I've got great cliffs and trees for setting up something fun when I get there!

I've found that getting really high makes slacklining a much more intense experience. More difficult for me, but also more fun. I feel like you have to train at stoned slacklining as much as sober slacklining. It almost seems like a different muscle memory experience between the two. I have better luck when I'm stoned if I decrease the line tension, allowing more wiggle in the line but at a slower frequency. A fast paced wiggle when I'm stoned usually sends me off.

1. I understand that a 1" line is not all that different from my 2" line when it comes to balancing, but easier to tension for longer lines, is this true?
2. I have shitty flexibility so I'm wondering if a sitting start will ever happen. Do you need good leg flexibility to do this?

Cheers! :bigjoint: