stoned stories

Hey i know this has been asked alot but there is so many people with so many good stories, most stoners have atleast one funny memory involving being baked so lets hear them. I'll also share mine so here it goes....

This was about this time last year (in Australia not America so its not like winter or anything) and i was chilling with my best mate with a couple joints and the occasional bowl, so we have a smoke sesh and roll a spliff each because we were gonna go n a walk through the paddock (I live in the country) anyways we end up walking about 2-3 km through the state forest next to my place and onto some randoms paddock on the other side.

It was like 8 pm at the time and the sun was starting to set and it was a really deep orange color it was amazing and me and my mate were just running through this paddock really really high then realized the sun had like almost gone completely so we start walking home a different way (fuck walking through a dark forest stoned) so we choose so walk to the highway and follow it home.

On our way we see some moving things close-ish to us and i was freaking out thinking they were like evil kangaroos or something but they were just sheep.. anyway we get to the high and after a little while it was pretty dark and this car goes past then like slows down ahead of us, turns around and drives past really slow and continues do this like 4-5 times, me and my mate are so freaked out and just lay down in the scrub and did so every time a car passed us ON A HIGHWAY. we got home at about 10:30 and just smoked up again and laughed. :leaf:

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i got alot dude alot of good ones were do i start ill have to do this one when my girl friends not behind me but i got a shit load ill post tommorow im not shure you'll like them but they really happend... ill check on this thread tommorow.. everything from waken up with some butifull naked female to hitting a fucken deer taken out my front lights and getting pulled over for no lights with weed in my car, to getting an old ladie out of the street after a car had hit her and people tring to aprehend me thinking it was me to begin with and after saving her life i almost went to jail.. their long stories but i dont have time to tell them right know ill go into detail tommorow if i have time.. but good one..

Scarlet 420

New Member
Driving home from a nightclub at 6am in London for my 21 st we got pulled by the police. We were all buzzing off our nuts except for the driver. We were also smoking a joint of purple haze which didn't smell too much. We didn't panic but we quickly hid it in the ashtray. They had us out the car, asked if we'd been taking drugs and if we had anything. I replied " to be honest officer, it's my 21 st Birthday and we've been out since 10pm, so at present, no, not anymore!" as they searched the car (great, we thought) i saw the nicer one open the ashtray, pull out the joint and throw it under our car whilst his partner wasn't looking ! Pray for small mercies! We got back in the car, amazed and continued our journey home. Of course we still had drugs! Even at 21 you're too clued up to hand it over!


Well-Known Member
Got stonnned for days that led to ex that led to meeting a girl.
long story short poor decisions were made and i wound up across the country with her and damn near got stranded in hell aka Wisconsin with a physcobitch...
Moral of the story? Don't run off with a girl till ur both sober !
If i wasn't stoned. i would. never have done it. and yes it was all on a stoned whim