'Stoner' Arrested For Growing Marijuana


Well-Known Member
So you can be busted for GROW LIGHTS? niggas on the other thread debated the topic of..."can you get busted for intent to grow"... quote]

YES U KAN... jus havin the setup in ur house i.e., hps/mh lights (hangin), hydro setup (or soil), will b intent to mass produce..stuffs been krazy here in kali... sum guy on the news jus got popped the other day in kali for that ish.... but i guess it depends on ur state....

and to say ur growin veggies, what authority figure would believe that.
Unless you cite sources, i call baloney. Without the weed (or seed) they have nothing on you - can you be arrested? sure. Convicted? no way in hell - it would never make it to court.

This ass got nabbed because he was stealing electricity. So Stoner (haha) is not only stupid but greedy to boot.


Well-Known Member
How would you steal Electricity, I get a bill I pay it, thats it. Of course there going to know if your using it and not paying for it. How stupid are people.
I'm not really asking how to do it. I'll pay for the 800watts, thanks.

I hope talking about it won't get me arrested...


Well-Known Member
How would you steal Electricity, I get a bill I pay it, thats it. Of course there going to know if your using it and not paying for it. How stupid are people.
I'm not really asking how to do it. I'll pay for the 800watts, thanks.

I hope talking about it won't get me arrested...
They by-pass the meter with jumper wires. Real dumb thing to do too . Dangerous and they WILL catch you the next time the meter is read. One of the three commonest reasons for busts, along with setting the house on fire, and talking too much to the wrong people( almost anyone).There's an episode of Trailer Park Boys where Ricky is trying to by-pass a meter and gets zapped,lol.


Well-Known Member
They by-pass the meter with jumper wires. Real dumb thing to do too . Dangerous and they WILL catch you the next time the meter is read. One of the three commonest reasons for busts, along with setting the house on fire, and talking too much to the wrong people( almost anyone).There's an episode of Trailer Park Boys where Ricky is trying to by-pass a meter and gets zapped,lol.
Trailer Park Boys is an awesome show lol :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Obviously if you need so much power that you have to steal it, You must have a somewhat large opperation. Why would you not just pay for it and wait to make some money back when you harvest... Fucking stupid, if you ask me.. And this happens often. I thought talking about it on this forum was risky, I would never attemp to screw the electric company over...


Well-Known Member
dude how could someone be so stupid? just pay they bill man, its going to pay back in the long run!!


Well-Known Member
Pay for the electric you use then this kind of shit won't happen,not only that it give's all cannabis growers a bad name.my answer is simple if this guy would have paid his bill and not bypassed the electric this would not have happened the less that know also increases your chances.