Stoner crazy crazy idea!!!!

Legalizing Weed To The Economy To Restore Budget Decit


How many people actually smoke weed worldwide?
How is Amsterdam economy going at the present moment?
How much is it sold for?
Is it actually good for your health?
How much could the UK economy generate money fast?
Can it be as good as achocol or tabacco?
Is it healthier smoking weed than tabacco?
Consider on premises and strick to really strict laws
Consider Amsterdam police force
Consider Amsterdam street laws on weed?
Does it actually stop drug dealing?
Will the economy start to recovery?
What else can hemp plant be used on the world economy?
Can the nation actually decide? Global survey?
Can the UK start a global trade - country's copying?
Can we start to bring our troops back slowly by not wasting time to look for hash in Afganistan but also generate money from it?
Start a globe trade with afganistan to generate a western world?
Could it actually be done?
Have strict rules n other drugs as herion etc?

Imagaine if i could start a website and handout leaflets and told people to go on it and sign it if they agreed with it or didnt but came up with a huge report about they kind of question then present it to my MP or even stand myself if it worked lol

Crazy stuff ha​


Loads of money is spent on trying to stop growers, I doubt that would change if they legalized it, due to the black market competing with the government prices.

Cannabis is the number 1 cash crop in the world and to much money is being wasted or not made by not legalizing it and if it was made legal in the UK, it would pay alto of the debt we owe, that's for sure.

I personally think it's crazy how cannabis is frowned upon and not legal allover, when alcohol is far worse than cannabis and is sold like there's no tomorrow.

The world is F***ed up, to many people at the top not really living a life of how us normal folk would so would never know what it's like day in day out.
i think some1 should help me do a huge website to get polling station up and get lots of people to sign it and ill present it to a MP

some1 should stand up and ill do it :)
i would love to become the next bill gates and this is the market if you could stand up and change the law i millions or maybe billions if you had a worldwide business :)