stoner manners


Well-Known Member
great thread heres a couple things i hate

1. when you squish the joint right before the filter... hold onto the filter... THATS WHAT ITS THERE FOR (ahem my girlfriend)
2. when you roll a joint of your weed to smoke with a buddy, and you puff puff pass it and then he hits the thing 8 times and hands you the joint back half smoked in like 20 seconds
3. when ur with a group of people and your the only one with weed and everyones lookin at you to pack a bowl.... fuck man... i wanna smoke it later not the whole sac right now
4. when people spill the bong water.... it fucking stinks everything up man.... whatever you spill it on will wreek forever
and my ultimate pet peeve: WHEN PEOPLE MAKE THE JOINT/BLUNT RUN!!!! (burning uneven)

Im stoned

yeah lol i know what you mean. if you mix your weed with tabbaco in the bunt/join , it will burn more evenly.


Well-Known Member
Assholes that aren't appreciative of you smoking them out, blunt wraps/smoke ain't cheap.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah lol i know what you mean. if you mix your weed with tabbaco in the bunt/join , it will burn more evenly.
or every time to take a pull rotate the blunt to a ne side
or wet the burn
or dont pull so hard
or blow on the non burning side
i can give a noob a pass but if you been smoking for some time with me you shoud know these things

*edit never mix tobacoo with the weed
smoke that shit after the blunt, outside of my house


New Member
Like I said previously.... I stopped passing joints a long time ago.... but this would be worth doing for anyone who is about to go to a party soon.

Get some cigarette know...the gag explosives. Roll not one but two of them into ur up front and one deeper in the middle. Roll one joint like that and keep it in a separate pocket. :lol:

I think ppl will think twice. If you are stingy...:lol:.... you can mix a bit of tobacco to soften the loss.

Im stoned

and you cant get herpes from passing joints ... unless like someone spat on it and soaked it in their spit for 48 hrs .... it takes 5 gallons of herpes spit or herpes on a direct opening or a cold sore to get herpes . im not talking about genital herpes , thats an std. lol


New Member
Untrue.... Herpes is passed in saliva...and also passed when there are NO visible outward signs.....which is why it is sweeping the population.

They don't want to spook the it is not mentioned in normal literature.

Same with Aids and mosquitos..... they can't afford to have ppl go nuts over it.

Im stoned

lol im sorry. i guess i read the wrong book? .... maybe i was stoned lol who knows? yeah if i see someone with herpes i wouldnt pass either haha. new rule:
1. if you have herpes , please do not smoke in a group.