Stoner Psychic Study

At approxamately 10:15p.m. on September 3rd 2009, four stoners decided to conduct a study focused on marijuana and it's phsycic abilitys. The above mentioned stoners must remain unnamed due to our lawyer told us to, that being said we will continue to the experiment.

The method we chose to obtain the information needed was to use eight miscellanious items that were on the table at stoner number one's house.

These items where as follows
1. Knife
2. Aviators
3. Digital Scale
4. Zig Zags
5. Zippo
6. Red Marble
7. Grinder
8. Gorilla Glue

We then had one stoner close their eyes and predict what item another stoner picked up. The "blind" stoner would attempt to channel their phsycic abilities and predict what item was picked up of the eight items. .

The results from this study are as follows...

Stoner 1 - 1 of 8
Stoner 2 - 1 of 8
Stoner 3 - 0 of 8
Stoner 4 - 0 of 8

So we conclude by the information above that none of these mothafuckers have pshycic powers.

But we were all pretty baked.


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I had an unbelievable telepathic experience a couple days ago with my older bro while we were both stoned, I still dont know what to think about it.