Stoney McFried's diary of a level two plant slayer(a grow journal)

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LOL... I was looking at relative humidity/temp gauges at the hardware...$9.95 for a good one..the same thing is like $26.00 at the hydro store..... Do you like the grow bags.. ? I've not tried them...
I like them...but when you water you have to be careful, if you hit the edge of the bag it will fold over and your nutes will pour on the ground.
I like them...but when you water you have to be careful, if you hit the edge of the bag it will fold over and your nutes will pour on the ground.
Thats what I was thinking.. plus I'm not that steady on my feet and if it'll spill... I'll spill it... oh well back to lead bottom pots...... :|
I agree guys.I knew I held on to that packing material the tv was in for a reason.Today I'm going to get some compost and some organic soil...gonna transfer her into a big wide pot.I think the soil is burning her a bit, and she seems to need more room for her roots.
Good stuff Stoney... I use "things on hand" myself.. can't be throwing $$ at things I can make myself.....

that's what growing is all about for me...I don't buy anything I can make myself...$$$$
Dudes and dudettes...I have my screen nearly completed, I just need string.This is so cool, I'm proud of's made of really thick painted cardboard(the kind that doesn't go soggy easily)and duct tape.I'm using twine or fishing line to make the squares.And, if I have to tear it down in a hurry, it cost me nothing and is biodegradable!Yeah!I'll show it when it's set up.
Hahah I love this cause u said dudes and dudettes mainly and cause ur turning into an insane grow monkey stoney good stuff although ur being kinda greedy with the porn:mrgreen:
Just thought id stop in with some thread love.
The grow bags work well if you pack them into a space. I've seen SOG done that way.
Whaddup NG... How u been man..
I agree haha but damn if i my first bag didnt get spilled. I got it in a small tupperware bowl i had laying around now propped up nice. But i do think the bags are the best way to go especially saving space.. I think id go with the 1 gallon bag's next time tho on cutting str8 to flower with short veg..
Lol, I'll post more, I've just been busy. Right now I'm gonna have that Jesus Christ tag removed,cuz somebody did it to piss me off, I'm sure.
Hahah I love this cause u said dudes and dudettes mainly and cause ur turning into an insane grow monkey stoney good stuff although ur being kinda greedy with the porn:mrgreen:
Just thought id stop in with some thread love.
We got trouble guys. I transferred her out of her old soil because it appeared she was getting nute burn.Her leaves are yellowing from the bottom up, and dying.I can't decide whether she needs a flush or more N. Take a look and tell me what you think.


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We got trouble guys. I transferred her out of her old soil because it appeared she was getting nute burn.Her leaves are yellowing from the bottom up, and dying.I can't decide whether she needs a flush or more N. Take a look and tell me what you think.
were these pics before or after the repot?
The soil had nutes in it...I changed to organic soil last night.When the problem started, I had watered her, and I added like......a scant eighth of a teaspoon miracle grow to a 2 liter bottle.But I only used like half of that bottle,because she had started yellowing and I figured she was getting low on nutes, or that had hurt her when I cloned her, and she was using extra nutes to heal.
have you given it any nutes yet or it still just soil?
That was about a week ago, and she's slowly gotten worse...then after the repot, she got really bad.I didn't damage any roots, her soil was dry so she was easy to remove from the pot.I watered her into the new soil, but not any more than usual.
Thats pretty hash shit... when you re potted did you rinse the roots a bit.. your water/PH seems to be a real issue in my opinion... just moisten the soil and repot and see if it slows in a day or so... if you feel the situation worsens... you seem to have mentioned a water thing before.... do you have promix or a soil with'll drain and flush easy any salts excess nutes.... just a thought....
No, I didn't rinse them. I'm now using miracle grow organic soil. I check the ph of my water every time.I always make sure it's between 6.5 and 7.0 before I water.But the soil with nutes in it may have had hot spots. If I flush, I'll have to use my home water, and that's ph 8.4.I have no more soil to repot.
Thats pretty hash shit... when you re potted did you rinse the roots a bit.. your water/PH seems to be a real issue in my opinion... just moisten the soil and repot and see if it slows in a day or so... if you feel the situation worsens... you seem to have mentioned a water thing before.... do you have promix or a soil with'll drain and flush easy any salts excess nutes.... just a thought....
That was about a week ago, and she's slowly gotten worse...then after the repot, she got really bad.I didn't damage any roots, her soil was dry so she was easy to remove from the pot.I watered her into the new soil, but not any more than usual.
she didn't get too dry did she?
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