stop seed production?


hey i was jus wondering if anyone knows if theres some kind of spray or chemical that will kill off seeds and stop them from growing


Well-Known Member
dutch master has reverse but if you already have seeds it won't do anything to them i think.


kinda figured so as i havnt been able to find any info on anything which is strange that nothing been made yet the person that creates something will be one rich mother lol


Well-Known Member
Maybe...but all you have to do to keep seeds from growing is not allow the plant to get pollinated...
And if a plant does get pollinated, then you have hundreds of seeds of chances to try


Well-Known Member
I kind of like seeds...haven't ever just pollinated a whole plant I only get a branch or 2 with seeds...I have had one plant that I overdid and the whole thing went to seed...
If the whole plant is seeded then you have to decide if you want the seeds, but no pot...if so then let the plant finish and take the seeds, but if the whole plant is seeded and you were hoping for something to smoke, and don't really need a bunch of seeds, then pull it and try again. Because enough pollen will reduce a whole entire plant to nothing but seeds...there will be no smoke at all...just empty calyx husks...I think my one and only totally seeded plant gave me a bowl pack worth of calyxes and probably 200 seeds or
Reverse will stop seed production when used even with seeds present, it will also sterilize any pollen that's about. Well at least that's what Dutch Masters said when I emailed them with my questions! They also said not to use it in the last 3 weeks of flower but anywhere up to then is fine, I posted the response Dutch Masters sent me in another hermie post. Just thought I'd share what I know.