Stop these rat bastards! [BILDERBERG]


Well-Known Member
:twisted:We must stop these bastards. call fox news, cnbc, msnbc, cnn. Make them cover this damn story!
Russia today is covering, pretty sad russia based media is more honest and factual than the lame stream shit.
Yea right, these pigs have nothing to hide.
Call all the lame stream media outlets, and demand they cover these parasites!:twisted:


Are you choosing to tell me these things, to feel like an authoritarian on your own little personal level?
He is simply asking you to post this in the appropriate forum. He wasn't trying to be an authoritarian.

And for the record, I detest the Bilderberg group.


Well-Known Member
He is simply asking you to post this in the appropriate forum. He wasn't trying to be an authoritarian.

And for the record, I detest the Bilderberg group.
Oh yeah, is that so?
Shit, rollitup has gone downhill since i joined, all you feel compelled to type this?
I put my self in the shoes of you people, and even then, in no way would i feel compelled to type this to someone and tell them to be posting this in the right place in your opinion? WTF?!
Give me a fucking break,
If this is in the wrong place, its your opinion, not fact, where would you like me to post it? in your opinion! since it seems there are so many people who force their opinions on others around here all of a sudden.
I still cant find anything that said i posted it in the wrong place. little bilderberg shills IMO.
Look you just joined, i joined three years ago, who would you think knows better? quit embarrassing your self .
Rather than point at bilderberg and do something about it, you rather, point at the little guy trying to help everyone else.
Get the fuck off my post if you dont like it.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I thought you and me came to an understanding before on your other thread. It is against the rules to post a thread more than once and not in the proper forum. How many times do i gotta tell you that? why do you think we have different forums about different topics? so you can talk about whatever the fuck you want in any of them? this forum is to introduce yourself, not further your political thoughts. the only place this thread should of went was into the politics section, riu is pretty strict about posting political stuff in off forums. anyway, I dont like to fight, so lets just leave it as that and be friends, or at least not enemies. lol.


No need to be hostile. You should be building relationships of friendship and trust in these rising times of darkness.

Also, it is unwise to be antagonistic to those you are a stranger since that stranger may be the one with the answers you need.

If you need a fight so badly, join a boxing gym.


Active Member
Cant we all just get along? Go smoke a bowl and chill the f*#k out people.
All this bickering on this site is rediculous, if a bunch of stoners cant get along peacefully there is something wrong... Or some people arnt smoking enough!
Thats my rant for the day done. Peace