Stop using Plastic Tubes for seeds seed makers!


Well-Known Member
Seed Makers if you insist on using plastic tubes for seed put cotton, paper, something to keep the seeds from beating against each other. Look at the seeds under magnification after they have been in those tubes for awhile beating against each other and you will see what happens. Or just do a germ test on your own seed that has been in tubes vs not, there will be a huge difference.
Seed Makers if you insist on using plastic tubes for seed put cotton, paper, something to keep the seeds from beating against each other. Look at the seeds under magnification after they have been in those tubes for awhile beating against each other and you will see what happens. Or just do a germ test on your own seed that has been in tubes vs not, there will be a huge difference.
That’s odd because I scuff my seeds with fine sandpaper so they open easier
Different strokes I guess
Cracked or damaged seeds can dry out and then the embryo within dies. Scuffing the seeds right before planting is different than having them sit for x amount of time, with their protective seed coat damaged.
Dudes from seed city allways put them in test rubes with a orange sented spounge.

I get what you say if you are not gonna plant the same day then its a bad thing