Storage water is turning bottom of container green will his harm plant


Well-Known Member
Was Bringing 2 army 5 gallon containers of water/nutrients ,until this weird lady keeps watching me load truck. Since i park on side of road if she sees me when she drives by might figured it out. So i put containers out at spot but these bugs are swimming in it; and turning green at bottom. Will this harm plants if used?


Well-Known Member
Have I used water with algae in it before? Yes, in hydroponics and in soil. The biggest problem you have is there is no dissolved oxygen in your water if its just sitting there for long periods of time.


Well-Known Member
Okay so which is better Tap water been filtered or stored/fresh rain water its been raining here like every 2-4 days so its rain that sits and then gets new rain mix in every couple of days


Well-Known Member
Its my storage water' i only water when it needs its not gonna rain like that rest of season
so i was reading some where that rain water is best to give them dont know y so i was going to store rain water for them when they needed. Does it loose what it contains if its sit if so do would it be better to store tap water at site


Well-Known Member
yeah rain water is great, it just looses oxygen as it sits. but if you pour it from one container to another before you water you can oxygenate the water.