store bought rapid rooter plug clone problems


Active Member
When I buy clones from the shops, they come in the rapid rooter plugs.

Most recently, about a month ago, I bought 4 clones, only 1 seems to have survived till now, but it hardly seems to be growing. I've had this same issue with almost all the clones I've bought. My system is working well, as I've been growing and cloning another set of plants out of my ez-cloner and they are doing quite well.

In the month, the surviving clone has grown maybe 1 inch, although it does look a bit thicker. There are still no roots at all showing out of the 6" netpot w/ hydroton.

I'm tempted to just cut the stem at the plug, and throw it in my cloner. Anyone else have any advice?



Well-Known Member
The biggest thing about those rapid rooters is you have to keep them moist, they can dry out in literally half a day. I've had clones sit there for weeks without doing anything and a little boost of superthrive or an increase in nutes sometimes kicks them into gear.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Rapid Rooters suck - that's all my hydro store carries, so I'm forced to go to Kmart for Jiffy Pellets.

I can't believe GH would make RR that don't stand up by themselves; absolutely blows my mind.


Well-Known Member
I dont think they would work well if they could stand up on their own but I have had more success with rapid rooters than any other method I tried. I just about expect 100% success using them.


Active Member
Rapid Rooters suck - that's all my hydro store carries, so I'm forced to go to Kmart for Jiffy Pellets.

I can't believe GH would make RR that don't stand up by themselves; absolutely blows my mind.

I have had nothing but good experiences with Rapid Rooters. Whatever works for ya though


Active Member
You guys got any tips for starting the clones from RR's from the shop? I normally dont have anything around the roots due to my easycloner. My setup is an aero setup, with hydroton-filled net pots being sprayed from the bottom. My success rate for clones in the plugs is like 1/25. I'm pretty sure they have water, the hydroton pellets are definately wet. It definately doesnt seem like my system though, as my success rate for clones with bare roots is 100%.
