Hello everybody, I was wondering the best way of keeping seeds fresh for 2-3 months for a future grow? I heard of keeping them in the freezer or the refrigerator, was would ya'll suggest? Thanks.
2-3 months is no time. Keep em in a dry place that stays at room temperature. I keep mine in the little baggies they come in, put those inside pill bottles and store them in the top of my veg cab. All my year old seeds work and that thing was getting hot in the summer.
ya if your talkin 2-3 months dont even worry. ive kept many longer then a year without any special treatment and they all took great. its the ones you expect to be down longer that you put in the fridge!
Ok Thanks I didn't know if that question was already answered or not in the forum, couldn't find it. Thanks you two for the answer, I will not worry about it then.