Storing your prize bud's!


Well-Known Member
I have a Food Saver Vacuum sealer with an attachment for sealing the flat lids on Mason jars. Would that be a good way to keep your bud's fresh after curing?




Well-Known Member
That is more then enough, I don't even use the vacuum sealer, After my buds are cured, I just throw them in mason jars, and spin on the lids nice and tight. They do not lose one spec of moisture.


Well-Known Member
Use the vacuum accessory if u plan to store it in the freezer ( stops from losing potency over years)


Well-Known Member
if your worried about losing moisture just use a hydrapak .you can order them online for a dollar

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Only time to use vacuum seal is for transportation. It's just not needed for cure or after cure storage. And don't store in freezer.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes use that vacuum sealer if you already have it. I wouldn't run out and buy one. I do like the poster above and just use new lids every year. The rubberized gaskets are not latex anymore and degrade quickly.

Pot degrades exactly like steel - by oxidation. Rob that jar of oxygen and the pot in it has to stay fresher. Be sure it is dry.


Well-Known Member
I started using the CVault containers. They utilize the humidipaks and keep the RH at a steady 62%. Bit expensive tho....