Strain differentiation through seed phenotypes

I ordered the 20pack of mixed seeds from peakseedsbc, they've got some very good looking strains.

24 seeds arrived promptly 3 weeks after order.

I managed to sift the seeds by the look of the seed. They were distinctly different. Some were a larger brown with black spots and lines and others had a more flat and had a different hue or color. I managed to sort them into 4 different groups as best I could.

The strains they offer appear to be distinct enough to warrant visibly different seed.

Is it reasonable to think that the different seeds will be different plants?

To clarify, some of them are remarkably different and similar and there are multiples of the similar looking seeds. Near to a T copies. Different colors and shapes, and groups of each.

To update;

Put 5 in a wet paper towel in a ziplock in the back of my cabinet for 2 days, and lo and behold I had 5 good long rootlings.

I popped 2 of seed type (A), and 1 each of (B) and (C) and (D).

So far, judging by the phenotypes of the seeds I have:

1x Blueberry
1x NL #5
3x Northernberry or Skunkberry or Skunk or Northern Skunk

I have utterly different plants from obviously phenotypically different seeds from a peakseeds bc mixed pack.

Will update soon with pics :leaf:
Here are some pics and some rationale.


Twisted first couple leaf sets (common to blueberry), completely purple stem and underside of leaves.

Northern Lights:

Very short/bushy/fatter leaves. Looks like a total Indica with ZERO purple anywhere.


These three all have varying amounts of purple on their stems, none under leaves, and much skinnier "sativa" leaves. Believed to be Northern berry/ n'ern skunk

Top 3 - Unknown
Bottom Right - Blueberry
Bottom Left - NL