Strain grow sub forum


Active Member
So I was thinking....... I know this isnt thought all through yet just a idea that popped in my head but here we go. So what I was thinking is everyone always wants to review a grow or such on RIU about a strain they are growing or thinking of growing. Now I know this would take up some time, reformatting, server space, etc. What I was thinking is starting a Forum or sub forum over each strain by name. Yes I know the list could get very long so Im sure it probably wouldn't pass as a good idea but making searching for a certain strain and seeing how it grows, also what eviroment it grows best in with what techniques, etc. Any ideas or thoughts on this subject/idea or even a straight shutdown by an admin. Like I said just a random thought because Im always searching for strains I'm growing or wanting to grow. Any/Every thought welcome!!!


Active Member
LOL dannyboy. Yes I have been throught the seed strain review but Im talking about something a little more concrete, where the strains themself are broken into subforms or when you searched say Delahaze you would be directed to Delahaze reviews, grow, etc. It was just an idea but I'll let it rest!!!


Well-Known Member
But you can already search 'x strain' reviews/grow preferences/smoke reports etc Just follow people's grow journals or... Use the search. Usually I like neatly categorising things and would be all for a nice specific subforum but in thIs case just make up your mind what you want to know, type it in and hit 'enter' x

EDIT: We could always just neaten up the reviews into categories like Cheeses, hazes, kush, diesel etc


Active Member
But you can already search 'x strain' reviews/grow preferences/smoke reports etc Just follow people's grow journals or... Use the search. Usually I like neatly categorising things and would be all for a nice specific subforum but in thIs case just make up your mind what you want to know, type it in and hit 'enter' x

EDIT: We could always just neaten up the reviews into categories like Cheeses, hazes, kush, diesel etc
This is what I was leaning towards but like I said it would really be a pain in the ass and I know this. Maybe my OCD got the best of me on this one, but it was a shot in the dark and just wanted to see others views on the topics. I do search for things now and usually find what I'm looking for there is tons of stuff here at RIU but just looking for some more user friendly type ideas i guess. I just see people posting the same things over and over again and I wonder to myself did they do any research at all or were they just so caught up in the moment that they had to post right away.


Ursus marijanus
This is what I was leaning towards but like I said it would really be a pain in the ass and I know this. Maybe my OCD got the best of me on this one, but it was a shot in the dark and just wanted to see others views on the topics. I do search for things now and usually find what I'm looking for there is tons of stuff here at RIU but just looking for some more user friendly type ideas i guess. I just see people posting the same things over and over again and I wonder to myself did they do any research at all or were they just so caught up in the moment that they had to post right away.
I kinda sorta like the idea, but it would place quite a burden on the subforum's admin/mods. A lot of housecleaning, and probably an awful lot of one-time "strains" that would either dilute the list or undercut its utility with a huge Miscellaneous category. Just Dieseling along here ... cn


Well-Known Member
This is what I was leaning towards but like I said it would really be a pain in the ass and I know this. Maybe my OCD got the best of me on this one, but it was a shot in the dark and just wanted to see others views on the topics. I do search for things now and usually find what I'm looking for there is tons of stuff here at RIU but just looking for some more user friendly type ideas i guess. I just see people posting the same things over and over again and I wonder to myself did they do any research at all or were they just so caught up in the moment that they had to post right away.

Yeah, I totally see what you mean, with the OCD too which is why I mentioned the need to categorize things. I am forever yelling at people for duplicate threads.

Everyone has their separate grow threads/journals in which they might do multi-strain so it's not like we could pigeonhole them all anyway... As for advice on seed, the strain reviews are pretty good but as you say 10 people might review the same strain in 10 different threads, which is annoying, instead of just adding to one thread on that strain. Generic information is available all over the internet, we have journals/threads but I guess people could be pushed to add their comments and reviews in a mote orderly fashion.

Most people just like hitting the New Thread button first and looking for answers later but can't control them XP

I will stop now as I sound terribly naggy...


Well-Known Member
If I want info on a specific strain...genetics, flower time, smoke reports etc I've gotten all the info I need using google. There are plenty of sites aalready out there that domthat