Strain Hunter's on youtube.


Well-Known Member
Chillin smoking some og and was watching the episode they are in india, and they make this crazy ass hash by taking small nugs, manicuring them and then gently rubbing un their hands till its full of resin then they get it off their hands and its called like charas/cream. Definatly want to tey that shit.


Well-Known Member
Excatly if you actually listen to the dudes they say sone crazy ass shit about euro giving indias gov/policemoney to chop down and then that money was believed to be split with farmers/politicans and police and farmers as being pot growers, also most cops there smoke it and say drinking is better.


Active Member

  • i love the montains and the trees thats my dream. to be in a spot like that with greenery everywhere.​

There have been times when I've almost started a thread about "thinking" about your next move being in the mountains if possible. I've lived in the mountains for the past 19 years.
If up high enough - The mountains provide a great environment for indoor growing. I save a ton on growing by letting nature cool my room off which makes me able to grow through
summers without heat issues. All it takes is great ventilation and a good exhaust. I use a 9" ball bearing exhaust blower that sounds like a freaking jet, but not a problem due to it being fenced on over an acre with no close neighbors. Tweny-five feet away you can't really tell where the sound is coming from.
I love the mountans.

Nothing beats a harvest around all the holidays.