strain overload... help pick


new to this forums, so sorry if this is the type of thread that has been beat to death...

but, let's say a noob was completely overwhelmed by the vast selection of strains currently available, but had the following criteria:

-noob would like 2 types. one for day that's energetic, social, and doesn't develop tolerance quickly. Another for evening that will combat noob's insomnia and help him sleep blissfully, but not leave him stoopid and sluggish for work the next morning. noob needs to be on the ball early in the am.

-Potency and yield are both very important to noob, as he must sneak away to medicate quickly and discretely to not arouse attention.

-noob's horticulture experience is limited & his history is bleak. So, easy to grow, forgiving, fert tolerant strains will live happier lives in his incompetent care.

-while noob drools like one of Pavlov's pooches at the aroma of a beautiful flower, his wife's many guests may not.

-while noob is primarily interested in indoor strains, he loves the outdoors and may want to take some young ladies for a walk in the forest when spring arrives. Noob has noticed that Jack Frost usually hibernates around late May, but awakens in early October.

-noob will have to order from a vendor who's swift footed messengers can stealthily cross the frontline guarded by the US drug warriors.

-noob wishes to become self-sufficient with easy cloning strains so he does not have to order again soon. Noob loves wondrous variety, but must be discreet.

would anyone be kind enough to help me direct noob to vendors and strains that may meet the above critiera? noob has spent hours in research that has only yielded a headache.


Active Member
Good questions... One idea would be to select Cannabis Cup winners... Another is to grow anything crossed with Kush, such as Bugglegum x Kush, which Method Man raps about in every one of his songs.


Well-Known Member
new to this forums, so sorry if this is the type of thread that has been beat to death...

but, let's say a noob was completely overwhelmed by the vast selection of strains currently available, but had the following criteria:

-noob would like 2 types. one for day that's energetic, social, and doesn't develop tolerance quickly. Another for evening that will combat noob's insomnia and help him sleep blissfully, but not leave him stoopid and sluggish for work the next morning. noob needs to be on the ball early in the am.

-Potency and yield are both very important to noob, as he must sneak away to medicate quickly and discretely to not arouse attention.

-noob's horticulture experience is limited & his history is bleak. So, easy to grow, forgiving, fert tolerant strains will live happier lives in his incompetent care.

-while noob drools like one of Pavlov's pooches at the aroma of a beautiful flower, his wife's many guests may not.

-while noob is primarily interested in indoor strains, he loves the outdoors and may want to take some young ladies for a walk in the forest when spring arrives. Noob has noticed that Jack Frost usually hibernates around late May, but awakens in early October.

-noob will have to order from a vendor who's swift footed messengers can stealthily cross the frontline guarded by the US drug warriors.

-noob wishes to become self-sufficient with easy cloning strains so he does not have to order again soon. Noob loves wondrous variety, but must be discreet.

would anyone be kind enough to help me direct noob to vendors and strains that may meet the above critiera? noob has spent hours in research that has only yielded a headache.
I'm a noob too, but I did a lot of research before I started my first grow. I read somewhere that the type of buzz is determined when you harvest. You harvest at different tricombe developement for different effects. Can't remember where I read it though, you might want to do a search for "tricombe harvest" to find something on it.

Potency & yeild are easy, these are seed sites. I've never bought anything from any of them, so I'm not recommending anyone. But when you hear about a strain that you want to check out, these sites rate strains (potency, yeild, how hard it is to grow, etc...)
You can also find some threads on this site for different growing techniques to help to increase the potency further.

Every strain is going to have a strong odor, especially during flower. You have to get yourself an odor controller. You can buy a carbon scrubber, has a carbon scrubber & inline fan for just over $100. You can also find different home made odor controllers on the DIY threads. If you can't afford it, then grow outdoors, but I'd suggest reading up on Gorilla Grows first, there's a lot more to it than most think.

For trusted vendors click on the seeds button at the top of the page (scroll up)

I'm not aware that any strains are easier to clone than any others. I guess strains that are easier to grow are also easier to clone, but that's just a guess.

But to make a mother better for cloning as far as how fast she's gonna give you clones, I'd suggest learning the FIM method, you can do a search on it here, there are several good threads on it. This technique makes plants branch like crazy, and branches with nodes are what you need to clone.

And in order to get more attention to your question, it sometimes helps to promise a +rep for help. To +rep someone go to one of the posts that they've written, in the upper right hand corner you'll see the number of the message, then 2 icons. The icon closest to the number of the tread is a scale (beleive it or not), that's the +rep button. Just click it and when the new window opens just click the "give rep" button. You'll be automatically returned the place you were when you clicked the scale.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I hope this info gets you started.


Well-Known Member
Every strain is going to have a strong odor, especially during flower.
Not necessarily. A good beginner strain is northern lights. Easy to grow. Hardly smells.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. A good beginner strain is northern lights. Easy to grow. Hardly smells.

I'm not growing Northern Lights so I can't say for sure. But I've been told by many that all strains will be able to be smelled 40ft away (if doors are left open and no odor control is present)

Mr Bomb

Active Member
new to this forums, so sorry if this is the type of thread that has been beat to death...
First off, welcome to Roll It Up!:fire:
but, let's say a noob was completely overwhelmed by the vast selection of strains currently available, but had the following criteria:

-noob would like 2 types. one for day that's energetic, social, and doesn't develop tolerance quickly. Another for evening that will combat noob's insomnia and help him sleep blissfully, but not leave him stoopid and sluggish for work the next morning. noob needs to be on the ball early in the am.

-Potency and yield are both very important to noob, as he must sneak away to medicate quickly and discretely to not arouse attention.

-noob's horticulture experience is limited & his history is bleak. So, easy to grow, forgiving, fert tolerant strains will live happier lives in his incompetent care.
For the first strain I would go with something like Big Bud. It has a great high and an excellent yield. To ensure the social type high you are looking for make sure you harvest when the trichomes are beginning to get cloudy. Once they begin to reach an amber like color the high will have become more narcotic like.

The second strain I would recommend would be white widow grown until full maturity with partially amber trichomes. White widow is a very simple plant to grow with a great medical high.:sleep:

-while noob drools like one of Pavlov's pooches at the aroma of a beautiful flower, his wife's many guests may not.
Seriously, there are things you can do to reduce the odor but nothing will eliminate it completely. A carbon filter would be your best bet but my advice would be not to have people you cant trust with your life over to your house while your growing.

-while noob is primarily interested in indoor strains, he loves the outdoors and may want to take some young ladies for a walk in the forest when spring arrives. Noob has noticed that Jack Frost usually hibernates around late May, but awakens in early October.
Both the strains I have previously mentioned will also do well for outdoors. When grown properly of course.:wall:

-noob will have to order from a vendor who's swift footed messengers can stealthily cross the frontline guarded by the US drug warriors.
There are many so relax. It will be fine especially if you order one of their shirts with the beans to make it look like the package has a lawful purpose. Attitude seeds are advertised here on RIU and have proven to be very reputable.

--noob wishes to become self-sufficient with easy cloning strains so he does not have to order again soon. Noob loves wondrous variety, but must be discreet.

would anyone be kind enough to help me direct noob to vendors and strains that may meet the above critiera? noob has spent hours in research that has only yielded a headache.
I hope I have helped you out with your journey. Good luck and just a small piece of advice... Loose the third person!:leaf: