strain to help kick opiates


Well-Known Member
im looking for a strain to help me kick the opiates. Ive heard that there were a couple that helped a little that and a couple crazy pshycodelic plants but im looking for a good strain to kick a bad habit thanks everyone

currently i smoke o.g. kush on a regular basis


Well-Known Member
Good luck man...... Suboxone will get you on track if things are bad. Other than that, no pot can compare. Its 9-14 days of hell


Well-Known Member
Man get yourself some Clonadine I don't know how to spell it. It is a blood presure med that totaly gets rid of most of the symtems of an Opiate kick. It will save your ass and it isn't adictive at all. I know for a fact it helps big time. Good luck Bro....... Been there.


Well-Known Member
i in the same boat. immodium and benadryl and I am growing northern lights. Taper off your last stuff, in water mix your pills, and smoke. good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea i dont think there is a strain that will get rid of the withdrawl from oxys or whatever kind of opiates your taking.. some cripy might help a lil but not a whole lol... ive been tryng to stop taking oxys it sucks azzz bad.. its a horrible feeling when your not high on them... i would say get some zaanies or some volumes and some liquor and weed lol and try to sleep it off good luck bro


Active Member
i dont know what opiate your referring to, but it mostly dosent matter, they all hit your natural opiate receptors in the same way, just a matter of dose. I do have a little experiance on the suject myself, as when i broke my leg, they gave me 20 miligarms of morphine in the abulance (10 to start , then two shots of 5 after the frist one wore off) then put me on a diulitated (hydromorphine if i remember correctly,drugstore heroin (heroin is diacetalmorphine ) for ten days, none of which i slept or ate (didnt think that was possible but was what happend). after 3 surgerys on my leg and 10 days in the hospiltal i got persciped to 60 percet plus two refills, which i flushed when i got home and went cold turkey. 10 plus days of shakes/nightmares/leg tremours (yes on my broken leg), probably the most pain ive ever been in but it had to be delt with, i knew better than to keep taking the drugs they gave me. it sucks man, but a heavy indica and your dead family can sure help. its hard but when its over you'll feel better and thank god every day he gave us weed so it could help us, at least that was how it was for me. when it gets too much pm me or something, i might be able to help you stay clean another hour or i simply may not be .... point is you'll stick with it till its done no matter how long it takes and you'll be back to just doin the drugs god intended.


Active Member
I had a doctor put me on 6mg a day of xanax(a highly addictive tranquilizer). He then died and i had to taper + smoke. Other than couchlock and munchies weed has no dangerous effects. Pills can easily kill. I wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
I really appreicate all the help and responses from you all thanks to all of you. As far as having a problem im not a junkie or anything i just got a little to much time and money i guess. I dont go broke or anything i just like to get hi. And the oxys are the icing on the cake for me. I have about 20 perks and about 9 suboxene im going to start today weining myself from them, I got a high tolerance for them now i can take 10 or 15 tab 10s or perk 10s plus a couple 80s or few 40s and still be straight enough to do anything. It dont really fuck me up anymore. It just makes me feel normal. And the waking up sick is the worst part of it. I wake up sick and have pills its just like i slept to long and there not in my system. So i figured just putting enough in my system to keep from being sick each day till im down to a half every couple days i should be good. If not i will use the suboxene. I got O.G. KUSH and its some really powerfull stuff, I need a few zannies or V's and i should be good with in a month and a half with support from all my friends here and every day life i should be good. But once again thanks for all the help from every1. :peace::leaf::wall:


Active Member
There's a bush/tree that grows in southeast asia kalled Kratom who has helped a lot of people get off oxy and such, its not exactly tasty, you make tea from it or just toss'n'wash the ground leaf. I like it, never used opiates though, but it deals well with withdrawals from opiates supposedly, caution though! It can be addictive, so if you have an "addiction personality" this might not be for you. Maybe your safest and best bet would be a heavy indica like mentioned before.
If you are intrested check out

Good luck!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yea i read an article about it this month in the hightimes but i think its a forein plant not in the U S or something i wish i could get some
Take another look, look for plants that contain ibogaine, then lookup how to do the extract. You'll find it's not impossible ;-)


Well-Known Member
I really appreicate all the help and responses from you all thanks to all of you. As far as having a problem im not a junkie or anything i just got a little to much time and money i guess. I dont go broke or anything i just like to get hi. And the oxys are the icing on the cake for me. I have about 20 perks and about 9 suboxene im going to start today weining myself from them, I got a high tolerance for them now i can take 10 or 15 tab 10s or perk 10s plus a couple 80s or few 40s and still be straight enough to do anything. It dont really fuck me up anymore. It just makes me feel normal. And the waking up sick is the worst part of it. I wake up sick and have pills its just like i slept to long and there not in my system. So i figured just putting enough in my system to keep from being sick each day till im down to a half every couple days i should be good. If not i will use the suboxene. I got O.G. KUSH and its some really powerfull stuff, I need a few zannies or V's and i should be good with in a month and a half with support from all my friends here and every day life i should be good. But once again thanks for all the help from every1. :peace::leaf::wall:

I hate to tell you but if you can take that much at a time you do have a real prob. Taking the suboxene should help but the perks wont do much. The thing with OCs is that they are harder to kick than other opiates cause they are designed to hit the cell recepters faster and better. If you can't get clean with what you have you really should try getting some help of some kind. Watch the zannys cause they are tuffer to kick than opiates. If you can find the Clonadine it really will save your ass. You will still feel like shit but it gets rid of most of the bad symptoms like the sweats, shits, and hot to cold flashes. A doctor will give it to you if you tell him why you need it. Its the best thing to take for kicking. Other opiates just prolong the hurt unless you ween off very slowly in treatment wich is the best way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Im not being funny here but you may want to check out Woodhorse seeds Herijuana. This shit will help you out big time. Look under Sannies seeds. Sannie teamed up with Motarebel who tweaked the woodhorse strain. Cant go wrong with these meds.

Also check out He is Woodhorse seeds.

Hope this helps and get well soon.
