I agree, I dont know how its so hard lol, I need to get some more strains in my tent and just start selling cuttings myself, I have a couple great ones thankfully, so I'm not too concerned..

But hopefully its some kind of misunderstanding, possibly messages plenty of people I don't know.

Edit : yeah he said he got caught up reading other messages, I think its because I sent a email responding to our first one lol
I think he's just annoyed. He's been pretty short with me before for absolutely no reason.

I just chock it up to him not being a people person, very common in this industry.
I think he's just annoyed. He's been pretty short with me before for absolutely no reason.

I just chock it up to him not being a people person, very common in this industry.
Yeah thats just unfortunate man, I feel like customer service is number 1 in anything, but also sometimes dealing with buyers could be a headache but definitely need to have the personality for it
Speaking about business decorum, is there a reliable way to get hold of Aroma?

My last order was completed but truly an awful experience. Possibly the worst communication I've ever experienced at strainly. I've ordered from him several times but the communication has really gone downhill.

Also, no word back from Pink Box. Email sent at 830am ish.
Speaking about business decorum, is there a reliable way to get hold of Aroma?

My last order was completed but truly an awful experience. Possibly the worst communication I've ever experienced at strainly. I've ordered from him several times but the communication has really gone downhill.

Also, no word back from Pink Box. Email sent at 830am ish.
Aroma can be hard to get ahold of. I suggest the email he has posted on ig but still expect slow response times.
You have sour dub/a-dub?

I got some PM from deeply rooted, but some Microthiol Dispurss in quarantine took care of it in one application. Never came back.
Micronized sulphur is seriously the best and cheapest fungicide i have used for vegging plants. I had some pm infested plants i sprayed a couple months ago and I haven't seen it since. This was after using both regalia and procidic2 which didn't seem to do much to help it.
Regalia is great for keeping it from showing up in the first place but not much for treatment, I couldn’t agree with you more about the sulfur though that is an old-school remedy that works for a lot of different stuff I used to burn sulfur regularly I just got tired of everything smelling like fart!
Yeah thats just unfortunate man, I feel like customer service is number 1 in anything, but also sometimes dealing with buyers could be a headache but definitely need to have the personality for it
What the sellers need to unders
Micronized sulphur is seriously the best and cheapest fungicide i have used for vegging plants. I had some pm infested plants i sprayed a couple months ago and I haven't seen it since. This was after using both regalia and procidic2 which didn't seem to do much to help it.
Do you just dust the plants or dilute in water and spray?
Regalia is great for keeping it from showing up in the first place but not much for treatment, I couldn’t agree with you more about the sulfur though that is an old-school remedy that works for a lot of different stuff I used to burn sulfur regularly I just got tired of everything smelling like fart!
I think the sulpher creates an acidic film on the plant and mold hates high acidity...
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My gmo and melon cake from pink are doing fine. Haven't grown at all but figure they're growing roots still. Misted them with plain water today incase some anti wilt or anything is clogging pores. Had a couple cut 2 liters for domes for a couple days but are fine without them.
Regalia is great for keeping it from showing up in the first place but not much for treatment, I couldn’t agree with you more about the sulfur though that is an old-school remedy that works for a lot of different stuff I used to burn sulfur regularly I just got tired of everything smelling like fart!
Maybe that's why the regalia didn't do so hot. Honestly even if it works good i don't think I'll be buying more, too pricy for me especially if i used it on my outdoor plants. I would need at least 2-3 gallons for the season. I've been thinking about burning sulphur but my grow tents are in a carpeted spare bedroom. I'm afraid the smell will stick in the carpet and linger forever. Spraying it smells bad enough but the smell dies down after a week or so.
Maybe that's why the regalia didn't do so hot. Honestly even if it works good i don't think I'll be buying more, too pricy for me especially if i used it on my outdoor plants. I would need at least 2-3 gallons for the season. I've been thinking about burning sulphur but my grow tents are in a carpeted spare bedroom. I'm afraid the smell will stick in the carpet and linger forever. Spraying it smells bad enough but the smell dies down after a week or so.
I just ran an ozone generator from amazon in mine so we'll see how that goes. Had pm bad the last couple rounds