Some of these sellers on strainly seem to think you're a bank, lending them money at 0% interest rates. You pay ahead and when they get around to it, months later, they might send your clones. I've made two purchases from well-known vendors that have stretched on for too long. Every other week, a small portion of my purchase arrives after hounding the sellers. A lot of "next week" that doesn't come, coupled with deception on why they aren't shipping. If you want to run a layaway system, state it in your listing. I can understand a few weeks delay on some of the selection but this is poor business practice.
I'd say, stick with the sellers that have a decent amount of feedback with a perfect to near perfect rating. Ask them what their return policy is and if they are not able to procure your item within an understandable amount of time, say a week or two, demand a refund and never look back. Strainly is still a great place to obtain "hard to find" and geographical genetics. Shake the fakes and get with the solid ones. I'm here anytime you have any questions. If I don't have anything that you are looking for, lmk what's on your want list and I may be able to point you in the right direction.
- Tomi