Strains that grow well in Colorado? Seed trades?


Well-Known Member
i am at 7000' and wasted a lot of time with strains that will not finish outdoors. sativas are pretty much out here. some hybrids finish in oct., such as opium, afghan kush, kandy kush, r4 in my experience. i bred every strain i had last year with afghan kush and kandy kush so will be growing from those seeds this year but am looking for other strains that will finish. i do have a basic greenhouse but not enough heat to do much with a real frost, like below 15f. so, what other strains finish by around nov. 15? anyone care to trade seeds? john


Active Member
hey whats up u doing? im in dire nees of seeds but im in st Vincent so hit me up and we could see what we could hook up ....send me a pm


Active Member
well I use to live in montreal and the only 2 strains that would finis was white widow and grapefruit diesel u could try those either 1 should work


Well-Known Member
There are Sativa's that will finish here Ace's Zamaldelica finishes in 11 weeks There is also the Colorado cut of Durban that finishes fast, if you can find it. I had it but let it go after breeding with it
All about simply findin what works


Active Member
I'm @ 9k
Last years: blueberry, herijuana, bubbakush
I don't put em out til end o June
No greenhouse just colo sun n breeze
Been workin for me nice