Strains that turn their stems and leaves purple


No seed is guaranteed to contain bla bla bla traits from the mother that made the seed
it is like expecting a kid form Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee to be hot and play drums.

When I get a 10 pack of seeds usually 1 or 2 of them will have purple highlights, 2 or 3 will grow faster and taller and 2 or 3 will be short and stocky and a few will be somewhere in between, all from one strain.
I will keep one of the shorter stocker ones for a mother then scrap the rest, but I use hybrid strains that have been crossed.
Selecting a older strain that has not been crossed may not have this much randomness.
but there must be luck in the seed DNA draw, even with seeds from one plant.
so getting a seed from a purple mother will not guarantee a purple plant.
so plan to grow a lot of seeds looking for the one mother you want and then your done :)

not sure if purple affects THC content or light requirements or humidity or nutes or mold resistance
but yes there is a few strains that have purple traits
Afghani for one


Well-Known Member
Lotttttttts of plants start off with purple stems, could be genetics, could be conditions, could be nutrients. it's really hard to figure out what strain it is unless its one you are really familiar with or you know what your looking for.
Yea I didnt mean like if its gonna be a purple strain. I guess some do it and some don't. Both of mine are doing it, but dont know if they are the same strain. The taller one in my other thread stinks, yet the bushy one doesnt smell at all. Is that just another random genetic trait?