Strange(just 2 flowers drooping)need help

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Relax man :) I'm not seeing anything to be concerned about here? No matter how much you inform yourself, you will run into things that come across as strange and odd. But unless you begin to get leaf discoloration or something of that sort, I wouldn't worry. When my plant's lights first turn on their top leaves close to the flowers are always a bit droopy, but perk up after a bit of lights on. In any event, I wouldn't change anything you're doing unless/until more definable symptoms appear. The plant is likely just about to enter it's preflowering stage, which in autos, is where they begin to stretch upwards. I would say that your plant is simply preparing to shift gears. Keep giving her everything she needs, and please keep us posted if new symptoms emerge or something else worries ya. :)
Okay thanks man lol I just worried because they went through stretch then showed pistils lol.i thought it shows pistils then stretch.its been a week since pistils I guess I will add the bloom food now.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Yeah it can take a while to get used to autos, but they seem to grow best when you interfere with them only when you either have to or when you can do something like LST'ing to open up the canopy and create more bud sites, giving ya a bigger yield. But that's as invasive as I'd get with an auto. Some strains do report being tolerant of topping, but I've not tried that myself yet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it can take a while to get used to autos, but they seem to grow best when you interfere with them only when you either have to or when you can do something like LST'ing to open up the canopy and create more bud sites, giving ya a bigger yield. But that's as invasive as I'd get with an auto. Some strains do report being tolerant of topping, but I've not tried that myself yet.
You're a wealth of info on these, Logan :cool: I'm always watching for your answers because I have the same questions, lol. Thanks. Mine seem to be taking forever... :-?