strange leaf yellowing problem


Active Member
hello. my plants are like 3 months old, shaman from dutch passion. all was fine till like 14days ago, when the really hot weather started here, 32°C+ (90F). leafs started to yellow from bottom up, so i thought its a normal N def. i started to use some more fert, like used it 2x per week, 1x full dose, 1x half dose. but it didnt help. i used some solid stuff NPK 5-3-2 +some CaO and MgO in it(used it before, its great), and watered with blood meal diluted in water. it didnt solved the problem. so i added some lime, to up the pH and tested. im not much of a chemistry guy, but i tried. water was at +-7, water with blood meal too and soil runoff too. so i guessed its not the prob. as ull see in the pictures, it seemed it can be Mg def, used it foliar 4 days ago and today i watered with it too.

so, what u guys think it is? can it be that i have to use more fert since they are that big? im watering like every 3 days, 2l, so thats fine too. im using 50% soil from the place 50% 5.5-6.5 pH soil, used blood meal once a week till that shit started. is it the blood meal?

if i have forgot anything, ill add.


thx for everything.
If the yellowing of the leaves begins at the base rather than the tip, it could be a iron (fe) defiency. Also looks like u might have white flies. Check the undersides of ur leaves on the ones that r whiteish


Active Member
nah, it begins at the tip, but i have some liquid Fe at home, maybe ill try. so white flies u say, what should i do? there are some kind of black things under the leaf.


Ok, so the white all over the leaves in the last two pics are from spidermites. Here's a good method to clear it up

[h=1]Instructions[/h][h=4][/h][h=4]Things You’ll Need:[/h]
  • One-gallon spray tank
  • Floramite

  • Step 1:
    Pour 1 qt. of water into a one-gallon spray tank. Floramite solution mixes more consistently when water is added first.
  • Step 2:
    Pour one tspn. of Floramite into the water into the spray tank. Pour one quart of water into the spray tank.
  • Step 3:
    Shake the water tank until the Floramite is fully dissolved.
  • Step 4:
    Spray affected areas with the Floramite solution. Spray directly on the plants and underneath the plants leaves. Spider mites chew holes in leaves of plants. If you see a plant with several small circle holes on their leaves or base, spray the area to kill the spider mites.
  • Step 5:
    Let the solution dry for two hours. Wait a few days. Check the areas to see if there are new visible holes in leaves or bases. If there are additional holes, repeat Steps 1 to 4 until all visible holes disappear.

[h=2]Tips & Warnings[/h]
  • Do not handle the Floramite with wet hands or wet gloves. Wear protective gloves, goggles, clothing and mask when using Floramite. Wear socks with shoes to prevent mites or the Floramite from contacting your feet.

[FONT=Myriad Pro, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]After the problem is all cleared up i'd spray the leaves down pretty good with some water, or a foliar wash would be even better[/FONT]

[FONT=Myriad Pro, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Next problem of the yellowing leaves....[/FONT]

[FONT=Myriad Pro, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Here's what I would do. It looks like Magnesium deficiency, and less likely Nitro deficiency, although also possible. It's not Iron. You made alot of changes over the past few days to your normal nut routine trying to fix the issue so before you do anything else. Flush it. Give it 5 days to dry out then focus first on just the mg possibility. Set up all your other nutrients the same as you did before the issue, and add some extra mg. Be patient, growing good weed is like making wine. Give her 4 or 5 days and see if anything changes. If the problem stops getting worse or starts reversing all together you know your on the right track. If nothing changes or shit gets worse, take the mg lvl back to your usual norm, and up the Nitro. Add a little blood meal too as it will help in the Nitro uptake. Hope this helps :) Overall your plants look pretty good so i wouldn't panic. Shaman is relatively forgiving. [/FONT]


Active Member
a bit late, but thx. fixed that prob a week ago already with just adding some more N, some more Mg and some lime.

but now i used a spray with pyrethrins in it, all organic, i think i used too much, and it burned some tops on some of my plants. not really burned, but the small leafs are curling and looks like they will die. the old leafs looks good, same as before, tho. 1 actually looks really fucked up, with all the new growth, hmm, like dying. really strange, would never think that pyrethirins can damage my plants, and like 4-5h after i sprayed, it started to rain. i sprayed after the sun went down, so no sun burn. do u think the new growth can recover, or will i have a strange plant without top?


As long as you sprayed them after sunset they shouldn't have burned. Just a thought but did you ever flush the plants?


Active Member
ahh, again im late... anyway, plants are doing good, np at all. all i need to do is stop the Mg deficiency on just 1 plant, the biggest one. solved that problem on the other 3-4 that had it. the thrips are gone, phyrethrins did close to no damage, N deficiency gone, and the plants started to bud. and nope, i never flushed em, just too much water to carry to do it. and i have em in the woods, u know... al in all they are lookin really good, i worried too much. after a week of no nutes, i started to give em bloom fertilizer today, small dose. thx for all the help.


Well-Known Member
ahh, again im late... anyway, plants are doing good, np at all. all i need to do is stop the Mg deficiency on just 1 plant, the biggest one. solved that problem on the other 3-4 that had it. the thrips are gone, phyrethrins did close to no damage, N deficiency gone, and the plants started to bud. and nope, i never flushed em, just too much water to carry to do it. and i have em in the woods, u know... al in all they are lookin really good, i worried too much. after a week of no nutes, i started to give em bloom fertilizer today, small dose. thx for all the help.
1 tablespoon of epsom salt(magnesium sulfate) per gallon of water will put a stop to a Mg deficiency


Active Member
hmm, dont have it at hand at the moment, but i have some liquid Mg fertilizer and it worked so far. just gotta hit the big one again.