Strange leaves...good buds?


Active Member
After a month of not being able to see my 2 kids out in the woods I went to check on them and was expecting the worst. I was suprised to find 3 plants! One has weird leaves.

Now the two I originally planted had already been sexed (indoors) and were into flowering by about 2 weeks when I moved them outdoors. The strange leaves on the third plant remind me of that "monster cropping" thread.

the last pic is of weird leaves.


Active Member
The leaves at the top don't look like leaves from the rest of the plant. I want to say it might be some kind of vine, but it is hard to say with one pic. Did you happen to get a pic of that plant from the side up close?


Active Member
The leaves at the top don't look like leaves from the rest of the plant. I want to say it might be some kind of vine, but it is hard to say with one pic. Did you happen to get a pic of that plant from the side up close?
The first pic shows it from the side. It's not a vine.

funky bendy trees in the back to mark the spot sweet
Mountain Laurel. shit is everywhere here and thick! It's difficult to get through it if you don't know your way.


Active Member
my bad southern, didnt know the first one was THAT one. with that being said, it has a shit load of dense buds up the stalk. Looks like a mutation, in a GOOD way.


Active Member
my bad southern, didnt know the first one was THAT one. with that being said, it has a shit load of dense buds up the stalk. Looks like a mutation, in a GOOD way.
S'ok. The other pics are just fluff anyways. I'm liking all the buds also!

is it still flowering????
Well, it's not one of the original I don't think I can say yes or no. One month ago it wasn't even there!


Active Member
ive got something like this going on at the bottom of a couple of plants..its just starting and its small


Well-Known Member
Its Photoperiod stress. It means the plants hormones are going wild between veg and flower like a crazy woman.


Well-Known Member
Its Photoperiod stress. It means the plants hormones are going wild between veg and flower like a crazy woman.
Zactly! It will eventually settle down, unless there is a street light or something near where it is. Somebody drop a bag seed?


Active Member
Now the two I originally planted had already been sexed (indoors) and were into flowering by about 2 weeks when I moved them outdoors.
That's why the leaves are funky... The plant was into flowering and you moved it outdoors, so it revegged... That causes those crazy ass leaves.
Since the days are getting shorter now, it's gonna go back into flower, so it ain't no thang anyway.