Strange One


Active Member
I have not seen this before in my garden. Seemed to almost show up overnight.

I'm really not sure what this could be, and I've perused through all four of my growing 'bibles'.

Anyone experience this before or know what it is?

I'm thinking phos/potassium, but I really don't know. It almost looks like nutrients were splashed on the leaves or burned somehow, but that hasn't happened.


Strain - OG Kush #18
Week 6 veg
1 gallon pot with modified super soil
400 watt MH bulb



Well-Known Member
6 weeks veg? how tall are the plants? Look like they could of
been transplanted bout 4 weeks ago. Transplant into a good
soil 5 gallon pot then they should recover if they like the dirt.
If your super soil mix is causing the problem this won't help much.
I would use ffof with nothing mixed into it!



Active Member
Still haven't figured this out.

What would start at the base of the leaf like that and work outwards?


Active Member
So is it Cal, Mag, or Both?

Seems like I've got more than one thing going on there.

I just picked up a bottle of General Organics Cal Mag, so I will be putting that to you use asap.

Thanks for your advice.


Well-Known Member
Id need more info to give a sound diagnosis.....but just by eye it could be nitrogen....if the newgrowth is yellow to then itz probably niteogen....but to be safe check to to nute deffenciey/toxicity im plant problemz section


Active Member
Looking at that chart it looks like either potassium or manganese to me. Not root bound at all, checked last time it was dry enough to gently pull out of the pot.

New growth so far is looking healthy. Really curious because the rest of the plant looks terrible.


seriously, 6 weeks in veg in 1 gallon pots? your plants are root bound as hell! I would stake my life on it.
repot ASAP.
If you were in larger containers vegging for less time, I would also think micro nute deficiencies, and cal-mag would solve the problem. I use cal mag at 1-3 ml per gallon.

hope this helps...