Strange Plant!?!?Help!

So i planted this one end of arpil beginning of may and i buried in the ground in the woods. I kinda forgot about it after a couple months, i had another plant to take care of (main focus) something ended up biting the whole top off! so i didnt bother with it for a while and recently i went back to see it and had an amazing discovery!!:-P I found the plant was still scrawny and short for the most part,but! the to largest branches have about 5 white hairs almost a quarter inch long! how did this happen, it seems early for it to flower outside,and it has a stem in the middle that had been severed and rotten. it only has a maximum of 3 leafs. very light in color. i just used a normal seed from some pot i smoked at one time, and i know its not any real high grade pot. anyone have a clue? pictures soon! also i put it in a bucket and brought it inside and put it under 2 floro plant and aquarium 40watt lights. this might work for a while? i need a pulley system for my lights anyone have any easy ideas?:wall:
I have relocated it back to its "natural habitat". Since there's only a couple months left in the season, do you think the plant will have enough time to get to its harvesting point? It's a rather small plant but it has all these beautiful white hairs growing on the tops. I'm also looking up different EASY ways to keep deer away and rabbits, any suggestions?