Strange sounds heard around the world!!


Well-Known Member
Okay RIU'ers, this is weird... really weird. I was browsing a couple of blogs, and this is going wild on other message boards because people are all having the same experiences, some have even caught this weird sound phenomena on camera.

What I'm talking about is this creepy, super natural sound being heard all around the world, the only problem is no one can explain it. Below are videos from different cities around the world experiencing the same sound...even during a live baseball game!!!






Well-Known Member
In this one, it seems to be right on top of them and you can here the build up at the start...



Well-Known Member
too many different names and places and camera types unless the dude is in big biz and created a ton of accounts with a little diffecne in sound and also knows a baseball comentary its real. IMHO take a look at the last video also when it gives you options to look at other videos the 2nd to the right is a video of a superimposed image and you can see britian im sure of it. now that is a fake but all these others its 2 many.if your looking at all the other government going nuts threads and put this with it. protect YOURSELF AND FAMILY


Well-Known Member
I was watching some porn this morning and forgot about it being in the tab, but I guess the porn video has been replaying itself all day.
So I go to play the "mysterious sounds' video and tuned up my volume....

I though the strange noises was moaning, took me 2 minutes to realize it was the porn in the background LMFAO.


Well-Known Member
It's fake...A guy copied the sound from a scene in the movie Red State...if you look in the Kiev pic there are people way down on the sidewalk that aren't looking around and don't seem to notice the crazy sound...Just keep looking at those videos...noone else seems to notice...


Well-Known Member
Youtube videos like this are almost all fake. And yeah, same guy did most of the videos. Few months ago there were some similar videos from japan....weird noises again, and they were proven to be a hoax


Staff member
sounds mechanical to me....fucking like war of the worlds or osme crazy shit


Ursus marijanus
... and a sound FX program. cn

Here is a video that I love for the sound ... somehow the microphone caught the effect with all the harsh high frequencies ... as if God himself were ripping a sheet of denim the size of Stockholm. Or belt-sanding a microphone. The Jean-Michel Jarre tune takes me back to my insouciant youth ... turntable, headphones, munchies ... cn



Well-Known Member
Kind of on-topic: I hate the noise emanating from electrical devices. I trained myself to try and ignore it but when I'm too mentally tired, it can drive me crazy.


Well-Known Member
This is the sound....of silence

Posted From a side kick 2 hands free blue tooth mobile device