Strange spots!Never seen them!Help!


Active Member
I'm thinking that I can leave my plant to live its life as most as naturally.But I will try to add some homemade soap(soap made of animal fat) diluted into water.I have to expеriment since the neem isn't getting any of the bugs!
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Well-Known Member
The neem, I think, is keeping more from getting in there. Another one that's a proven insecticide is to make that nicotine spray that I posted in the other thread.


Well-Known Member
Yeah neem is better as preventative...I'm pretty sure you can add it to the water and it will soak up into the plant and help that way....I've never done this though, so take it for what its worth. I guess I'm really lucky neem seems to take care of everything except thrips for me. And even with them it makes a noticable improvment.


Well-Known Member
I just checked the plants (we may have rain coming, we can hear thunder and the clouds are bunching up against the mountains), and there's one that's got new chewing. Not from leafminers, from a grub or caterpillar, but I can't find the little fucker. It's too windy to even think about trying to mist them down with neem. I think for a quick fix I'm gonna try the nicotine spray trick (cigars, no other shit in 'em except good old tobacco).