Strange unknown disease effecting plants


Hello all,
This is my first post. I've ben searching the net for this question but found little on it. I'm growing some redhair in pots in UK outdoors, All my plants are kept together in the garden. I have one plant that exibits an odd problem. About 4 days ago the the center of the leaves turned a textured yellow and now this have turned into holes. I've searched for bugs but there are no leaf bugs that could do this damage I know off. It's not like caterpillar damage i've seen either. I posted pics see what you think? IMG_0320.jpgIMG_0324.jpgIMG_0323.jpgIMG_0325.jpgIMG_0322.jpgIMG_0319.jpgIMG_0321.jpg


Well-Known Member
that doesnt look like bugs to me either. sorry i have no idea what it is, but ill stick around to see if anyone else knows. pretty interesting


Active Member
do you spray your plants? like foliar feed? Could be burn from spraying and letting the liquid sit on leaves.


I don't spray. I use tap water and when there is rain I use water from the butt. I potted in compost and repot when the roots reach the pot edge. So at the moment they have only received a mild water with miracle grow just the once.


Do you know the blue stuff that you dissolve in water which is mostly nitrogen.
But can ferts cause holes?


It's funny in my search one of the aspects that became apparent is that in most forums if there is any kind of hole posters exhort that it may be bugs. I think it's possible not all holes are bugs. I guess i don't think it's a bug because there's not a bug in sight and the coloring and texture preceding the point at where the holes appeared was not a typical generic bug infestation. Could you be more specific to the type of bug you suspect, I'll go away a do some research and see if I can conclude or eliminate your idea as the problem. Also I've seen leaves grow from youth with holes in them. It seemed genetic.

Mort Fink

New Member
It's funny in my search one of the aspects that became apparent is that in most forums if there is any kind of hole posters exhort that it may be bugs. I think it's possible not all holes are bugs. I guess i don't think it's a bug because there's not a bug in sight and the coloring and texture preceding the point at where the holes appeared was not a typical generic bug infestation. Could you be more specific to the type of bug you suspect, I'll go away a do some research and see if I can conclude or eliminate your idea as the problem. Also I've seen leaves grow from youth with holes in them. It seemed genetic.
Im no bug expert or any expert for that matter, but it just looks like its being eaten to me and plently of bugs eat and night then fly away and things like that. Here is a link I found that may help a bit.


Thanks for the responses, I just amazed that it would coincide with the leaf looking textured and yellow to then continue to become holey. it seemed related. Any idea how it can be stopped. and why can't they eat the weeds they grow as healthy as one could only dream. but no they eat my marji. bas>?ards. Oh well I'll get some batteries for the torch and see. I'm still coming to terms with sharing my garden with nature. Never grown outdoors before.


I think i'm having the same exact issue, small little holes and only affecting a leaf here and there. Ive been spraying using insecticide soap and that seemed to stop it from spreading, but those leaves that were affected are still alive, so at the moment, I assume Im just going to have to deal with it.

Im not going to worry about it, I think this site is quite funny with all of the worry it causes people... its an outdoor plant and its going to get eaten... just have to let it go and hope it makes it through. Im looking at 8 footers after flower (at their current growing pace) so im not too worried for now. would post pics but like i said same thing...


Well-Known Member
i believe its a virus effecting your plants, and a relativley rare one at that. especialy in marijuana. tobacco mosaic virus is a virus that single strand RNA virus which causes discoloration and holed to develop on the leaves, later stages will cause the curling Ect that we see in your pics.

TMV is known as the one of the most stable viruses. It has a very wide survival range. As long as the surrounding temperature remains below approximately 40 degrees Celsius, TMV can sustain its stable form. All it needs is a host to infect. If necessary, greenhouses and botanical gardens would provide the most favorable condition for TMV to spread out, due to the high population density of possible hosts and the constant temperature throughout the year.
im not 100% sure because it is so rare in marijuana, but if it keeps going and you cant cure it i would kill the plant and burn the remains to assure there is no transfer to future grows. if there is someone aroudn who knows more about TMV input would be nice :)

the other thought that comes to mind is whitefly. heres a wiki link because im being lazy...... typicly they are very small and you dont realize thet its the bugs untill they start to mature, which is is bad.


Corbat, you shouldnt recomend anyone killing a plant on pure speculation..... For me its on two of my plants and only on a leaf or two. If they had a virus I would assume it would be on many more leaf (one plant is 3.5 feet the other is 3 feet) the plants are thriving and growing at the rate of foot a week (since last week), with a month left of veg left I will be looking at 6 footers prior to flower...

Im assuming its some type of pest (and it looks very much like one), which when growing outdoors, its just impossible to avoid everything. No reason to kill off a plant that seems to be growing at a fast rate and outside of a leaf or two (out of hundreds) why kill it? Makes no sense to me...ride it out and hope that whatever had the munchies, got too high and


Well-Known Member
Corbat, you shouldnt recomend anyone killing a plant on pure speculation..... For me its on two of my plants and only on a leaf or two. If they had a virus I would assume it would be on many more leaf (one plant is 3.5 feet the other is 3 feet) the plants are thriving and growing at the rate of foot a week (since last week), with a month left of veg left I will be looking at 6 footers prior to flower...

Im assuming its some type of pest (and it looks very much like one), which when growing outdoors, its just impossible to avoid everything. No reason to kill off a plant that seems to be growing at a fast rate and outside of a leaf or two (out of hundreds) why kill it? Makes no sense to me...ride it out and hope that whatever had the munchies, got too high and
you obvously didnt read the whole thing, or are reading it completly out of context. lets see what i actualy said......
but if it keeps going and you cant cure it i would kill the plant
it still stays teh same. if a plant gets a major infection and there is no way to cure it, when it endangers future grows you should kill your plant.

oh and BTW if its only on 1 or 2 leaves, it s probably over fertilization, specificity phosphorous. this guy right here has some real problems as its effecting an entire plant.

why kill it? Makes no sense to me...ride it out and hope that whatever had the munchies, got too high and
#1 see how the plant is in VEG, it's not producing THC therefor whatever it was couldn't get high.
#2 you go right ahead anf fuck your future grows up by not listeneng to people.
#3 why kill it? why kill a plant with spider mites? or nematodes? or TMV? because they can infect and kill your entire crop. id rather lose 1 plant than 100 plants.
#4 i did tell him to ride it out, unless it keeps getting worse.

oh, and people dont like it when you bible us. that is, take what we say ENTIRELY out of context.


Corbat- please dont take offense to what I was saying.. Im just suggesting to the guy to not kill a plant based soley upon an internet diagnosis... does that not seem fair. Perhaps this plant (maybe 1 out of 1- not 1-out of 100) is just being eaten by the local pests that you are not familar with.

People on this site are often giving advise on situations they really don't know fully on. I suggest he ride it out. And I don't need to be "schooled" on the THC level in a veging plant. If you didnt understand that what I was saying was a joke, then seriously take a step back and relax a little.

I wish most of the "PROFESSIONAL" posters on this site would realize that a large percentage of people come here for simple knowledge on how to grow... often this place makes people "MICROMANAGE" their grow, the point that they are spending 100's of $ on seeds, nutes, set ups, lights.... I bet a majority of people come here first on the simple fact that they are sick of paying money for something they can grow on their own... This plant is not difficult to grow and a large percentage of people here seem to think it is...

relax and chill out man... Im only suggesting that he need not kill of a plant especially based on an internet diagnosis from you, and the simple fact that you indicated the disease as being "RARE" to begin with....


Well-Known Member
just spray the leaves down with some garlic water just in case.........kinda and organic pesticide see if it keeps it the top leaves bottom or every were.....also is it all your plants?