stranger seen my girls

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The gay thing ain't gunna work you stooge,,,you boned her!

If it gets to the body,,,,,,I have plenty of hungry pigs.....or, hell's bells,,,I know a few folks who might just pay good money for her!
I mean after all Chuck Esteves is on here ya know ;)!
*sorry Chuck, I just couldn't resist*

Be nice to her.
Talking about children already,,,,,wow, she likes you! Tread carefully on that path so if things do work out,,,,you can pause that thought for a bit......Love is not demanding.


Well-Known Member
basically anything believable that results in your grow being forced to come to an end andtelling her something like you're sick of trying to grow dank anyways and won't ever start up again. You're throwing in the towel. That's should work

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Like I said don't bring it up if she does say you $150 bulb exploded and it fucked you up so now you know the shot ain't for you anymore and you'll leave that shit to the experts....

I just hope she ain't with the shit and get you pistol whipped in the middle of the night...the cops is the least of your problems. Dem jackaz be lurkin


Well-Known Member
I'm confused on a couple of points. If you're a guy, why does your profile say you're female? If you're female why would you tell your girlfriend you're gay, since by definition, both of you are? And just a small point of biology, I know things in science are developing all the time, but I still don't think a girl can impregnate another girl. Or, maybe the more likely explanation is you checked the wrong box on your profile :) Either way, bad idea to tell someone you're gay if you're not; you're opening up a huge can of worms...
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to say it, but time to tear down, and not set back up until you've moved. Guaranteed she's told other people already, no matter how cool she seems. While the ideas of saying it got fucked up and you've stopped are good, you're gonna go from the guy who grows at his house to the guy who used to grow, which are still grounds for a robbery or raid. No number of plants are worth your freedom or safety.


Well-Known Member
Your fucked, don't be mislead, your totally fucked. Piss her off once and your are done. Shut down and move with no forwarding address. Do all this unless you like her and want to be with her long term. There is no gray here, think about it as a time bomb you just activated....tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick BOOM Motherfucker!!!! People give up more secrets when they are pissed off than any other situation and woman can get real pissed real fast. Just my $.02 but am I lying?


Active Member
Misleading title, I thought a stranger saw your tits. Remove everything from your residence and tell her she's a fucking skank ass whore and get a new girl and kiss all on her at your guys hangout. When the cops come and find nothing tell them you want charges pressed against her for filing a false police report. After the trial finishes start back up. Don't fuck up again.


Active Member
For added effect, plant weed in her car, no prints of yours on any of it. Tell cops she's the druggy and she was lighting up a fat blunt in her car after she'd went all psycho and dumped you for no reason.


Active Member
lights should be off when she's over aswell as ten minutes after she leaves imo. your in a tight spot since u r way in a felony offense. I may consider tearing down or keeping her around until they r down but dnt hang out at ur place


I've been dating this girl for about a month now, things were great, now, she's becoming clingy since I gave her a dicken. Yesterday she mentioned kids, but then went on and on, she wants them now, I'm freaked, I don't wanna do this, better yet, I'm worried about other implications this may have. As I'm not in a rec state, nor is this a one lighter...

Anyways, nobody knows about my girls, nobody! Up until I walked her out to her car, came back in, went straight to check on them, as I have an aero cloner that been leaking lately. I'm in there for several minutes and she walks in, o I forgot my phone, I must have forgotten to lock both doors, she knows where the spare was for the second... She only seen twelve fat girls under two lights, my veg, I'm trying to say its no biggie, she's cool with it, she smokes, blah blah...

But the truth is, its way too close for comfort, I never wanted a soul to know, yet alone someone I'm having second thoughts on seeing again... now what???

Do I kill them all on purpose then break it off?

Or kill her? JK lol...

Do I play nice with her n see how it goes?

Should i tell her im gay?

My favorite idea yet, act crazy as hell, be obnoxious, rude, inconsiderate and embarrassing until she goes away...

Or maybe the gay thing would work, have a guy ask her who she is, he can say hes my life partner?

I can't piss her off, I know that, I have to make her want to leave...

I'm exploring all options at all costs!

I'm fucked...

Any advice at all fellas!¿?


I've never been in this position, but have discretely been invisible for over 15 years. I have had lots of time to think about this dilemma. Your going to have to tell her that more than just legal issue on the federal side, the bigger picture is your safety and hers. She could never talk about it, even with you. And you are better off discouraging her from wanting to date. Sorry this inconvenience has come upon you.


Well-Known Member
I can't stress this enough. Pull the plug ASAP. Like everyone else here has stated. You've known her a month. And she's ALREADY started making those statements. She's that special kind of crazy. That's the one red flag you always jump ship on. Every single friend she has in her little circle already knows. The second you stop catering to her every single teeny tiny need either her or one of her friends are going to full on snitch you out. Trust me dude I've thrown the D to crazy loads of times. My D strait up has a crazy magnet installed in the rootkit of its programming. It flat out isn't compatible with anything but crazy. NOTHING good will come of this. I happen to be an expert on this subject. Tear it down today. Do NOT start back up again until you've changed cities. Put all your gear into storage at a relative's or something. No seeds. No books. No scales. Nothing. Put your FB on friends only and everything there on lockdown. You gotta treat it like its the dead body of a conservative Christian blond haired blue eyed senators cherished youngest and only daughter.