Strangest Thing You've Smoked Out Of?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
haha, I stole the idea off of some youtube video I saw a couple years ago and put it to the test. better than nothing! I wouldnt use my fist tho hahahah... did you read that one? my oppinion thats the craziest one I have read, fuck that...smoke with my hand? Shit...thats like...isloation chamber smoking or something...count of monte christo style


Well-Known Member my oppinion thats the craziest one I have read, fuck that...smoke with my hand? Shit...thats like...isloation chamber smoking or something...count of monte christo style
hahahaha. yeah man, its one of the first few i read, i was like FUUUUCK. haha. he posted another saying update, its easier to light the nug then put it in your cupped hand, i was like damn, this is real?


Active Member
haha i'm going to have to make a list of some more of these to try, these are all great! :)
i think it'd feel a little weird smoking out of a ceramic penis though..


Well-Known Member
Smoking out of the cock bong.

[video=youtube;oub1mLA7AgU] ch_query%3Dpenis%2Bbong%26oq%3Dpenis%2Bbong%26aq%3 Df%26aqi%3D%26aql%3D%26gs_sm%3De%26gs_upl%3D116426 6l1165926l0l1166033l10l9l0l5l0l0l126l303l1.2l3l0[/video]


Well-Known Member
you know the metal ring that connects the pencil and the eraser?

...yeah -- out of that.


New Member
I've smoked outta everything possible!! cans, tim foil pipes, bamboo, fruit, sockets, air chucks, peeled the metal off the paper inside cigarette pack and rolled that shit, light bulb (not for weed though), deer antler, a piece of ice (thats pretty much a one hit thing) that may be it... now I have a little 12"er and a spoon, and sometimes Elements and Bambu ;)